
O bee, if you gather honey,

يا نحل إن شار شهدا مكتسب

1. O bee, if you gather honey,
It is enough that after death there is dispersal.

١. يا نَحلُ إِن شارَ شُهداً مُكتَسِبٌ
فَحَسبُهُ أَنَّ بَعدَ المَوتِ إِنشارا

2. I do not rejoice at the collection of crows' misery,
Nor do I weep over a mixed potion poured out as a libation.

٢. وَما أُسَرُّ لِتَعشيرِ الغُرابِ أَسىً
وَلا أُبَكّي خَليطاً حَلَّ تِعشارا

3. I did not imagine the female stars were women,
Nor did I think Suhail was an innkeeper.

٣. وَلا تَوَهَّمتُ أُنثى الأَنجُمِ اِمرَأَةً
وَلا ظَنَنتُ سُهَيلاً كانَ عَشّارا

4. I do not praise good tidings that are lies,
Nor do I agree with Hammad or Bashshar.

٤. وَلَستُ أَحمَدُ بُشرى وَهيَ كاذِبَةٌ
وَلا أُوافِقُ حَمّاداً وَبَشّارا