
We regret the ugly deeds, so we spend the evening

قد ندمنا على القبيح فأمسي

1. We regret the ugly deeds, so we spend the evening
Lamenting over coffee for what we've done

١. قَد نَدِمنا عَلى القَبيحِ فَأَمسَي
نا عَلى غَيرِ قَهوَةٍ نَتَنادَم

2. An undoubted, eternal Creator
And time has advanced over mankind

٢. خالِقٌ لا يُشَكُّ فيهِ قَديمٌ
وَزَمانٌ عَلى الأَنامِ تَقادَم

3. It's possible that this Adam
Came after another Adam, following Adam

٣. جائِزٌ أَن يَكونَ آدَمُ هَذا
قَبلَهُ آدَمٌ عَلى إِثرِ آدَم

4. Others served God before us, and He showed us
As wicked people to our Lord, quarreling

٤. خَدَمَ اللَهَ غَيرُنا وَأَرانا
أَهلَ غَيٍّ لِرَبِّنا نَتَخادَم

5. I don't deny God's ability to create
Brilliant beings without flesh or blood

٥. لَستُ أَنفي عَن قُدرَةِ اللَهِ أَشبا
حَ ضِياءٍ بِغَيرِ لَحمٍ وَلا دَم

6. Yet the sight of people like me is blind
Come in shrouds, let us collide

٦. وَبَصيرُ الأَقوامِ مِثلِيَ أَعمى
فَهَلِمّوا في حِندِسٍ نَتَصادَم