1. You said there was a Wise Creator
We agreed, that is what we say
١. قُلتُم لَنا خالِقٌ حَكيمٌ
قُلنا صَدَقتُم كَذا نَقولُ
2. You claimed He is beyond space
And time, then tell us
٢. زَعَمتُموهُ بِلا مكانٍ
وَلا زَمانٍ أَلا فَقولوا
3. These are obscure words
Whose meaning our minds cannot grasp
٣. هَذا كَلامٌ لَهُ خَبيءٌ
مَعناهُ لَيسَت لَنا عُقولُ