1. By my life, the lawful has grown difficult for you,
While through ignorance what should be forbidden is slighted.
١. لَعَمرِيَ لَقَد عَزَّ المُباحُ عَلَيكُمُ
وَهانَ بِجَهلٍ ما يُصانُ وَيُحظَرُ
2. Yet in truth there are kinds of gold we behold
Heavy, inert, to look at unpleasing.
٢. وَفي الحَقِّ أَشباهٌ مِنَ الذَهَبِ الَّذي
نُشاهِدُهُ ثِقلٌ وَمَكثٌ وَمَنظَرُ