1. You were fermented from wine, and that is impure,
But as for from your fermentation, it is blissful.
١. خُمِرتَ مِنَ الخُمارِ وَذاكَ نِجسٌ
وَأَمّا مِن خِمارِكَ فَهوَ سَعدُ
2. Your soul is a wild gazelle that grazed in the desert,
The curly-haired hunter watches to catch her.
٢. وَنَفسُكَ ظَبيَةٌ رَتَعَت بِقَفرٍ
يُراقِبُ أَخذَها المِغوارُ جَعدُ
3. If calamities befell Zainab,
She would be protected by her guides and supporters.
٣. وَزَينَبُ إِن أَصابَتها المَنايا
فَهِندٌ مِن وَسائِقِها وَدَعدُ
4. Our traditions flowed like rain pouring down,
Indicated by lightning and thunder.
٤. جَرَت عاداتُنا بِسُقوطِ غَيثٍ
تَدُلُّ عَلَيهِ بارِقَةٌ وَرَعدُ
5. Evils of fate are more than its children,
So before, they stretched over nations, and after.
٥. شُرورُ الدَهرِ أَكثَرُ مِن بَنيهِ
فَقَبلُ سَطَت عَلى أُمَمٍ وَبَعدُ
6. A person hastened to destruction immediately,
Yet for him the promise of resurrection remained.
٦. تَعَجَّلَ مَيِّتٌ بِالهُلكِ نَقداً
فَمَرَّ وَعِندَهُ لِلبَعثِ وَعدُ