
No fault lies in our words,

ما وقع التقصير في لفظنا

1. No fault lies in our words,
If only our actions were as true as our tongues.

١. ما وَقَعَ التَقصيرُ في لَفظِنا
لَو صَدَقَت أَفعالُنا الأَلسِنَه

2. How excellent in form are the images on earth,
Yet no work equals their beauty.

٢. كَم حَسُنَت في الأَرضِ مِن صورَةٍ
وَلَم تَكُن في عَمَلٍ مُحسِنَه

3. The eyes of men, as I see,
Are not roused by prolonged old age.

٣. وَما عُيونُ الناسِ فيما أَرى
مُنتَبِهاتٍ مِن طَويلِ السِنَه

4. Before me is a valiant lion,
A fierce steed who will trample me underfoot.

٤. إِنَّ أَمامِيَ أَسَداً فارِساً
لا بازِلاً يوطِئُني فِرسَنَه

5. Whether you are superstitious or pessimistic,
You have no power to hold back fate.

٥. إِن تَتَطَيَّر أَو تَفاءَل فَما
تَملِكُ ريبَ الدَهرِ أَن تَرسِنَه

6. A good word outwardly, yet inwardly
It brought you evil from the lily plant.

٦. خيرِيَّةٌ في لَفظِها خيرَةٌ
جاءَتكَ بِالسوءِ مِنَ السَوسَنَه

7. Wide hopes are the horns of a deer,
Which do not stop it from being devoured.

٧. وَالأَمَلُ المَبسوطُ قِرنٌ إِزا
ءَ اللَيثِ لا يَترُكُ أَن يَلسُنَه

8. If it were said you had but an hour left,
You would hope for what a lifetime cannot achieve.

٨. لَو قيلَ لَم يَبقَ سِوى ساعَةٍ
أَمَّلتَ ما تَعجِزُ عَنهُ سَنَه