1. People flow in one way, in their natures
Yet no gender was blessed, neither stallion or mare
١. جَرى الناسُ مَجرىً واحِداً في طِباعِهِم
فَلَم يُرزَق أُنثى وَلا فَحلُ
2. I see the honorable weighed down by sorrows, yet he perseveres
Passing by, did you ever see an abode that was sweet?
٢. أَرى الأَريَ تَغشاهُ الخُطوبُ فَيَنثَني
مُمِرّاً فَهَل شاهَدتَ مِن مَقِرٍ يَحلو
3. Between the sons of Eve and all creation
Are evils, so what is this enmity and hostility?
٣. وَبَينَ بَني حَوّاءَ وَالخَلقِ كُلِّهُ
شُرورٌ فَما هَذي العَداوَةُ وَالذَحلُ
4. Fear God, even concerning the evils of bees
For the bees only gather for themselves, not for others
٤. تَقِ اللَهَ حَتّى في جِنى النَحلِ شُرتَهُ
فَما جَمَعَت إِلّا لِأَنفُسِها النَحلُ
5. And if you fear your Lord, do not turn away in disgust
From sorrows you wish would carry away the abode
٥. وَإِن خِفتَ مِن رَبٍّ فَلا تَرجُ عارِضاً
مِنَ المُزنِ تَهوى أَن يَزولَ بِهِ المَحلُ
6. So did you know sanctity and righteousness are sought
To adorn oneself, so the saddlebags are tied tight?
٦. فَهَل عَلِمَت وَجناءُ وَالبَرُّ يُبتَغى
عَلَيها فَتُزهى أَن يُشَدَّ بِها الرَحلُ