
These are matters, so who can endure them,

هذي القضايا فمن يطاولها

1. These are matters, so who can endure them,
When they are death, so who can confront it,

١. هَذي القَضايا فَمَن يُطاوِلها
وَهِيَ المَنايا فَمَن يُخاشِنُها

2. No horseman was deterred by its armor,
Whether it was death or its breastplates,

٢. لَم يَثنِ عَن فارِسٍ وَحِميَرِها
دُروعُها المَوتَ أَو جَواشِنُها

3. It has no erected palaces,
Its nomads have camouflaged it with shabby clothes,

٣. وَلا قُصورٌ لَها مُشَيَّدَةٌ
قَد مُوِّهَت عَسجَداً رَواشِنُها

4. The Romans had amazing prisoners,
Recognized by their distinguished marks,

٤. وَبادَ لِلرومِ أُسرَةٌ عَجَبٌ
تُعرَفُ في وُلدِها شَناشِنُها

5. The tribe of Tayy and its brothers,
Had inns whose hosts could not be rejected,

٥. وَكانَ في طَيِّئٍ وَإِخوَتِها
مَطاعِمٌ لا يُرَدُّ راشِنُها

6. The family of Qabous, people of a kingdom,
With supply lines feeding its peripheries.

٦. وَآلُ قابوسَ أَهلُ مَملَكَةٍ
حامِلَةٍ رَفدَها رَعاشِنُها