
They called but among them there was neither pure nor anyone

دعوا وما فيهم زاك ولا أحد

1. They called but among them there was neither pure nor anyone
Who fears God, so they were just barking dogs

١. دَعَوا وَما فيهِم زاكٍ وَلا أَحَدٌ
يَخشى الإِلَهَ فَكانوا أَكلُباً نُبُحا

2. And is the corpse of any of their men more venerable
When given respite, except for a slaughtered goat?

٢. وَهَل أُجِلُّ قَتيلٍ مِن رِجالِهِمُ
إِذا تُؤُمِّلَ إِلّا ماعِزٌ ذُبِحا

3. Better than the unjust tyrant is his nature
Oppression, injustice, a wrongful tyrant who grazes on the slaughtered

٣. خَيرٌ مِنَ الظالِمِ الجَبّارِ شيمَتُهُ
ظُلمٌ وَحَيفٌ ظَليمٌ يَرتَعي الذُبَحا

4. And they have neither religion nor ritual
So do not be fooled by the hands that carry the rosary

٤. وَلَيسَ عِندَهُمُ دينٌ وَلا نُسُكٌ
فَلا تَغِرَّكَ أَيدٍ تَحمِلُ السُبَحا

5. And how many elders bid farewell, their whiteness leaving them
Glorifying, and spent the night in their shrouds glorifying

٥. وَكَم شُيوخٍ غَدَوا بيضاً مُفارِقُهُم
يُسَبِّحونَ وَباتوا في الخَنا سُبُحا

6. If the earth had sense, it would shake for becoming yellow
From them, and no onlooker saw in it a wraith

٦. لَو تَعقِلُ الأَرضُ وَدَّت أَنَّها صَفِرَت
مِنهُم فَلَم يَرَ فيها ناظِرٌ شَبَحا

7. Not a fox and the son of John I seek with it
And if eloquent, still just a howling fox

٧. ما ثَعلَبٌ وَاِبنُ يحيى مُبتَغايَ بِهِ
وَإِن تَفاصَحَ إِلّا ثَعلَبٌ ضَبَحا

8. I see the son of Adam living a wondrous life
If he does not end up losing from it, he did not gain

٨. أَرى اِبنَ آدَمَ قَضّى عَيشَةً عَجَباً
إِن لَم يَرُح خاسِراً مِنها فَما رَبِحا

9. So if you can, do nothing but good
Among people, and avoid all that is ugly

٩. فَإِن قَدَرتَ فَلا تَفعَل سِوى حَسَنٍ
بينَ الأَنامِ وَجانِب كُلَّ ما قُبِحا

10. The kingdom's confusion is what warns the warner
Who did not bake the winds in might nor clear mornings

١٠. فَحيرَةُ المُلكِ خِلتُ المُنذِرينِ بِها
لَم يُغبِقا الراحَ في عِزٍّ وَلا صُبِحا