
Live miserly as the people of your time,

عش بخيلا كأهل عصرك هذا

1. Live miserly as the people of your time,
And bear it patiently, for your age is decadent.

١. عِش بَخيلاً كَأَهلِ عَصرِكَ هَذا
وَتَبالَه فَإِنَّ دَهرَكَ أَبلَه

2. An evil people, so the cub amongst them preys on the old lion at night,
Then the lion eats its cub in the morning light.

٢. قَومُ سوءٍ فَالشِبلُ مِنهُم يَغولُ اللَي
ثَ فَرساً وَاللَيثُ يَأكُلُ شِبلَه

3. If you wish to favor one of the people with kindness,
Then favor yourself before all others.

٣. إِن تُرِد أَن تَخُصَّ حُرّاً مِنَ النا
سِ بِخَيرٍ فَخُصَّ نَفسَكَ قَبلَه

4. After drinking, they brought Umm Layla close,
To shame the tongue with babbling speech.

٤. بَعِدَ الشَربُ قَرَّبوا أُمَّ لَيلى
لِتَعيرَ اللِسانَ في اللَفظِ خَبلَه

5. They led you into harm that you might drown in it,
And showed you spite that you might learn its ways.

٥. أَورَدوكَ الأَذى لِتَغرَقَ فيهِ
وَأَروكَ الخَنى لِتَعرِفَ سُبُلَه

6. They found the apricots too heavy,
Wishing to wake those asleep with their kisses.

٦. وَجَدوا مِشمِشاً ثَقيلاً يُريدو
نَ بِهِ مَن يَنَم يُنَبَّه بِقُبلَه

7. And they made me the target of passing nights,
Assailing me, but I do not lack for arrows.

٧. وَأَراني مَرمى لِصِرفِ اللَيالي
يَحتَذيني فَلَستُ أَعدَمُ نَبلَه

8. Do you see a weeping elegist like 'Antara,
Crying for the encampments of 'Abla?

٨. هَل تَرى ناعِباً كَعَنتَرَةَ العَب
سِيِّ يَبكي عَلى مَنازِلِ عَبلَه

9. Or a swift runner eulogizing the men of Sulaym,
Or Suhaym reciting poetry with the camel drove?

٩. أَو خُفافٍ يَرثي رِجالَ سُلَيمٍ
أَو سُحَيمٍ يَحدو مَعَ الرَكبِ إِبلَه

10. Do not give him or any other bird your love,
For the brothers of hyenas do not avoid filth.

١٠. لا تَهَبهُ وَلا سِواهُ مِنَ الطَي
رِ فَما يَتَّقي أَخو الُبِّ تَبلَه