
I do not approve of the opinion of leaders who titled

لم أرض رأي ولاة قوم لقبوا

1. I do not approve of the opinion of leaders who titled
One king "All Powerful" and another "Vanquisher"

١. لَم أَرضَ رَأيَ وُلاةِ قَومٍ لَقَّبوا
مَلِكاً بِمُقتَدِرٍ وَآخَرَ قاهِرا

2. These are attributes of Allah, may His glory be exalted
So adhere to the one who abandoned the transgressors openly

٢. هَذي صِفاتُ اللَهِ جَلَّ جَلالُهُ
فَاِلحَق بِمَن هَجَرَ الغُواةَ مُظاهِرا

3. We ought to purify ourselves, as judgement has been passed for us
By Him alone until we become pure

٣. نَبغي التَطَهُّرَ وَالقَضاءُ جَرى لَنا
بِسِواهُ حَتّى ما نُعاينُ طاهِرا

4. And people in the darkness of doubts disputed
Amongst themselves, and did not glimpse a clear dawn

٤. وَالناسُ في ظُلَمِ الشُكوكِ تَنازَعوا
فيها وَما لَمَحوا نَهاراً باهِرا

5. We shall proceed and leave the lands bare
As the dawn glows brighter and the stars shine

٥. نَمضي وَنَتَّرِكُ البِلادَ عَريضَةً
وَالصُبحُ أَنوَرَ وَالنُجومَ زَواهِرا

6. Live as much as you like, you will only see an extent
That is folded up according to its nature, and time that destroys

٦. عِش ما بَدا لَكَ لَن تَرى إِلّا مَدىً
يُطوى كَعادَتِهِ وَدَهراً داهِرا

7. Do not give birth, and if a temperament refuses, then do not
Forcibly prevent it, and honor with dust those joined in marriage

٧. لا تولِدوا وَإِذا أَبى طَبعٌ فَلا
تئِدوا وَأَكرِم بِالتُرابِ مُصاهِرا

8. And the body is an origin that ability cultivated
So its Creator manifested gems and jewels from it

٨. وَالجِسمُ أَصلٌ فَرَّعَتهُ قُدرَةٌ
فَأَبانَ خالِقُهُ حَصىً وَجَواهِرا

9. How many religious scholars are there whose sermons
Are found to be corrupt when unveiled

٩. كَم قائِمٍ بِعِظاتِهِ مُتَفَقِّهٍ في
الدينِ يوجَدُ حينَ يُكشَفُ عاهِرا

10. And I learned that the heart of man drowns in the passion of
His worldly life, failing in secret and openly

١٠. وَعَلِمتُ قَلبَ المَرءِ يَغرَقُ في هَوى
دُنياهُ خابَ مُكاتِماً وَمُجاهِرا

11. What did you gain by prolonging contemplation
Of it when you spent your night wakeful

١١. ماذا أَفَدتَ بِأَن أَطَلتَ تَفَكُّراً
فيها وَقدَ أَفنَيتَ لَيلَكَ ساهِرا

12. And the decline of your remembrance in life is safety
While its fervor made one who remembered you openly restless at night

١٢. وَخُمولُ ذِكرِكَ في الحَياةِ سَلامَةٌ
وَدَهاكَ مَن أَمسى لِذِكرِكَ شاهِرا

13. So avoid those who agree on harm
While disagreeing inwardly and outwardly

١٣. فَتَجَنَّبَن مُتَوافِقَينِ عَلى الأَذى
مُتَخالِفَينِ بَواطِناً وَظَواهِرا

14. And our entry into the sea is not safe
From the one who rode the ships skillfully

١٤. وَإِخالُنا في البَحرِ لَيسَ بِسالِمٍ
مِنهُ الَّذي رَكِبَ الغَوارِبَ ماهِرا

15. They possessed but did not follow the path of righteousness, rather
They filled the lands with raids and flowers

١٥. مَلَكوا فَما سَلَكوا سَبيلَ الرُشدِ بَل
مَلَأوا الدِيارَ ضَوارِباً وَمَزاهِرا