
When I count the years, I count with remorse,

إذا ما عددت السن عدت بترحة

1. When I count the years, I count with remorse,
And I hope my Lord releases my fetters,

١. إِذا ما عَدَدتُ السِنَّ عُدتُ بِتَرحَةٍ
وَأَمَّلتُ رَبّي أَن يُحِلَّ عِقالي

2. I rejoice in my world which I have folded up,
And grieve for my erring thoughts and words,

٢. أُسَرُّ لِدُنيايَ الَّتي قَد طَوَيتُها
وَآسي لِجُرمَي خاطِرٍ وَمَقالِ

3. O mother of permanence, you were refreshment and refuge for me,
Then estrangement and parting came between us,

٣. فَيا أُمَّ دَفرٍ كُنتِ لي مَيَّ وامِقٍ
فَصارَ تَعادٍ بَينَنا وَتَقالي

4. You made the heavy dust over me, and for so long,
I walked with burdens upon you so heavily,

٤. جَعَلتِ ثَقيلَ التُربِ فَوقي وَطالَما
وَطِئتُ بِأَوزارٍ عَلَيكِ ثِقالِ

5. My soul has rusted in my body and its garments,
So will my death purify it with polishing?

٥. وَقَد صَدِئَت نَفسي بِجِسمي وَلُبسِهِ
فَهَل تَصطَفيها ميتَتي بِصِقالِ