
Do not hide provision for tomorrow or the day after

لا تخبأن لغد رزقا وبعد غد

1. Do not hide provision for tomorrow or the day after
For each day brings its own provision with it

١. لا تَخبَأَن لِغَدٍ رِزقاً وَبَعدَ غَدٍ
فَكُلُّ يَومٍ يُوافي رِزقُهُ مَعَهُ

2. And do good for the least sustenance that will reach you
And for the Day of Resurrection you will find it gathered

٢. وَاِذخَر جَميلاً لِأَدنى القوتِ تُدرِكُهُ
وَلِلقِيامَةِ تَعرِف ذاكَ أَجمَعَهُ

3. So disperse your wealth as you wish disdaining little
For none will shed tears behind your bier

٣. فَرِق تِلادَكَ فيما شِئتَ مُحتَقِراً
فَلَيسَ يَذرِفُ خَلفَ النَعشِ أَدمُعَه

4. And do to others what you desire they would do to you
And let people hear what you choose for them to hear

٤. وَاِفعَل بِغَيرِكَ ما تَهواهُ يَفعَلُهُ
وَأَسمِعِ الناسَ ما تَختارُ مِسمَعَه

5. And most people are like wolves, befriend them
If weakness in you is made plain, they will devour you

٥. وَأَكثَرُ الإِنسِ مِثلُ الذِئبِ تَصحَبُهُ
إِذا تَبَيَّنَ مِنكَ الضَعفُ أَطعَمَه