1. If he who commits grave sins is compelled,
Then punishing him is injustice for what he does.
١. إِن كانَ مَن فَعَلَ الكَبائِرَ مُجبَراً
فَعِقابُهُ ظُلمٌ عَلى ما يَفعَلُ
2. And God, being All-Knowing when He created ores
Knew that white iron would be made into swords -
٢. وَاللَهُ إِذ خَلَقَ المَعادِنَ عالِمٌ
أَنَّ الحِدادَ البيضَ مِنها تُجعَلُ
3. With them, men protected themselves, taming horses
That are shod and outfitted with iron.
٣. سَفَكَ الدِماءَ بِها رِجالٌ أَعصَموا
بِالخَيلِ تُلجَمُ بِالحَديدِ وَتُنعَلُ
4. Do not disturb in the fire of conscience a butterfly,
For hearts filled with hatred are blazing flames.
٤. لا تُمسِ في نارِ الضَميرِ فَراشَةً
فَضَغائِنُ الصَدرِ الحَريقُ المُشعَلُ