1. As if you are asleep, unaware of the tricks of fate,
Yet have no faith in the watchful stars.
١. كَأَنَّكَ عَن كَيدِ الحَوادِثِ راقِدُ
وَما أَمِنَتهُ في السَماءِ الفَراقِدُ
2. Soon a conqueror will march on Persia's fires
And extinguish them, while Mars sleeps in the eye.
٢. سَيَجري عَلى نيرانِ فارِسَ طارِقٌ
فَتَخمُدُ وَالمِرّيخُ في العَينِ راقِدُ
3. Never did his days smile with joy,
But rather he avoided, while breasts held grudges.
٣. وَما اِبتَسَمَت أَيّامُهُ النُكدُ عَن رِضاً
وَلَكِن تَحاشى وَالصُدورُ حَواقِدُ
4. Shall I spend my soul falsely for God
To join the righteous, while God judges?
٤. أَأُنفِقُ مِن نَفسي عَلى اللَهِ زائِفاً
لِأَلحَقَ بِالأَبرارِ وَاللَهُ ناقِدُ
5. My person and my soul are like a child and mother
For that one's hand binds them fast.
٥. وَشَخصي وَرَوحي مِثلُ طِفلٍ وَأُمَّهُ
لِتِلكَ بِهَذا مِن يَدِ الرَبِّ عاقِدُ
6. They die together like two gazers meeting,
So neither is lost nor the other bereft.
٦. يَموتانِ مِثلَ الناظِرَينِ تَوارُداً
فَلا هُوَ مَفقودٌ وَلا هِيَ فاقِدُ
7. Had our hearts accepted the king's command,
They would not have accepted it in the dormant dark.
٧. وَلَو قَبِلَت أَمرَ المَليكِ جُنوبُنا
لَما قَبِلَتها في الظَلامِ المَراقِدِ