1. Honor your whiteness from a danger that blackens it
And restrain your right hand from vice that pollutes it
١. أَكرِم بَياضَكَ عَن خِطرٍ يُسَوِّدُهُ
وَاِزجُر يَمينَكَ عَن شَيبٍ تُنَقّيهِ
2. You met it with clarity from its dwellings
And it is not good, this reception from you
٢. لَقَيتَهُ بِجَلاءٍ عَن مَنازِلِهِ
وَلَيسَ يَحسُنُ هَذا مِن تَلَقّيهِ
3. Did you not think before having children in a time
In which you dissolved, so you would know where to lead them
٣. أَلا تَفَكَّرتَ قَبلَ النَسلِ في زَمَنٍ
بِهِ حَلَلتَ فَتَدري أَينَ تُلقيهِ
4. You hope for them from the bliss of time the unattainable
Yet you did not know that life makes them suffer
٤. تَرجو لَهُ مِن نَعيمِ الدَهرِ مُمتَنَعاً
وَما عَلِمتَ بِأَنَّ العَيشَ يُشقيهِ
5. He complained of pain so you stayed up nights and got up early
With him the young woman climbed the hill to heal him
٥. شَكا الأَذى فَسَهِرتَ اللَيلَ وَاِبتَكَرَت
بِهِ الفَتاةُ إِلى شَمطاءَ تَرقيهِ
6. And his mother asks the fortune teller judging
About him, vowing offerings, perhaps God will keep him alive
٦. وَأُمُّهُ تَسأَلُ العَرّافَ قاضِيَةً
عَنهُ النُذورَ لَعَلَّ اللَهَ يُبقيهِ
7. While you are more rightly-guided than her when you take him
To the doctor who treats him and gives him medicine
٧. وَأَنتَ أَرشَدُ مِنها حينَ تَحمِلُهُ
إِلى الطَبيبِ يُداويهِ وَيَسقيهِ
8. If the child was treated by Jesus or Hippocrates was brought back to life for him
It would not save him from death
٨. وَلَو رَقى الطِفلَ عيسى أَو أُعيدَ لَهُ
بُقراطُ ما كانَ مِن مَوتٍ يُوَقّيهِ
9. The living in life are like the spinning of wool, climbing
The battlements of time, and to death you lead them
٩. وَالحَيُّ في العُمرِ مِثلُ الغِرِّ يَرقَأَُ في
سورِ العِدى وَإِلى حَتفٍ تَرَقّيهِ
10. You have defiled your honor until you see no defilement
But your shirt to the sights you purify
١٠. دَنَّستَ عِرضَكَ حَتّى ما تَرى دَنَساً
لَكِن قَميصُكَ لِلأَبصارِ تُنقيهِ