1. A craft that gave people dignity through kindness,
And its dignity is owed to the Capable and Mighty.
١. صَنعَةٌ عَزَّتِ الأَنامَ بِلُطفٍ
وَعَزَّتها إِلى القَديرِ العَوازي
2. A King who created the heavens, so the full moon
Is to Him like a young camel.
٢. مَلِكٌ أَنشَأَ السَمَواتِ فَالبَدرُ
لَدَيهِ في صورَةِ الجِلوازِ
3. How many stars did He elevate and honor
Until they veiled the Pleiades?
٣. كَم لَهُ كَوكَبٌ أَبَرَّ وَأَزَّ النا
سَ حَتّى سَطى عَلى أَبَروازِ
4. Does a pair of eyes gazing at the meanings of meteors go astray,
Or do they meet their fate through the deceiving meteors?
٤. أَغوى زيجُ ناظِرٍ في مَعاني ال
شُهبِ أَم حَلَّ بِالمَنايا الغَوازي
5. The distance in the environs of Ziyad participates
As if it itself were the desert.
٥. نَصَّتِ البَينَ في حَوّاءِ زِيادٍ
بارِحاتٌ كَأَنَّهُنَّ الحَوازي
6. And the resolution of Zainab alleviates the heart
While it contains sparks similar to lightning.
٦. وَنَوى زَينَبٍ تُهونُ عَلى القَلبِ
وَفيهِ مِثلُ الشَرارِ النَوازي
7. For brave souls with patience
They expect secretly the permits.
٧. لِنُفوسٍ جَوازِئٍ بِاِصطِبارٍ
يَتَوَقَّعنَ خِلسَةً لِلجَوازِ
8. There is no giver in the state of affluence like
A giver in the state of poverty.
٨. لَيسَ مُعطٍ في دَولَةِ اليُسرِ مِنهُ
مِثلَ مُعطٍ في دَولَةِ الإِعوازِ
9. And we found the treasurers of money lost it
And kept barely enough for survival.
٩. وَوَجَدنا خَوازِنَ المالِ ضَيَّعنَ
وَأَبقَينَ مَنفَساً لِلخَوازي
10. And difficulties are my visitors by my choice,
And anything other than them are imposters.
١٠. وَالرَزايا زَوائِري بِاِختِياري
وَسِواهُنَّ بَعدَ ذاكَ الرَوازي
11. And the nights are returning winds
In the valley of her father and in its gusts.
١١. وَاللَيالي هَوازِئٌ راجِعاتٌ
في أَبي جادِها وَفي هَوّازِ
12. I do not cover up when seeking the sublime,
Though it is most cunning like creeping shadows.
١٢. لا أُواريكَ في طِلابِ المَعالي
وَهِيَ في الغَدرِ كَالظِلالِ الأَوازي
13. If I owned all thrones and districts,
I would not gain the desired permits.
١٣. لَو مَلَكتِ الأَراكَ أَجمَعَ وَالأَ
سحِلَ لَم تَحصَلي عَلى مِضوازِ
14. We experienced thirst while traveling in a land
That left us thirsty without any permits.
١٤. جَوَزينا وَنَحنُ سَفرٌ بِأَرضٍ
أَظمَأَتنا وَما لَنا مِن جَوازِ
15. We grope the night as the brave stars
Leak out from the grip of the winners.
١٥. نَخبِطُ اللَيلَ وَالبَوازِلُ كا
لخُمَّسِ ريعَت مِنَ البُزاةُ البَوازي
16. So the troop succeeded seeking righteousness
From a pigeon, and success is for the winnner.
١٦. فَوَزَّ الرَكبُ يَبتَغونَ صَلاحاً
مِن حِمامٍ وَالفَوزُ لِلفَوّازِ
17. And if the destinies rule a kingdom,
It becomes ruin in the grip of Fate.
١٧. وَإِذا حازَتِ الأَنامِلُ مِلكاً
صارَ هُلكاً في قَبضَةِ الحَوّازِ