
My mount have stumbled or was I allowed to stumble

أخبت ركابي أم أتيح لها خبت

1. My mount have stumbled or was I allowed to stumble
Over a lush meadow whose plants are still sprouting

١. أَخَبَّت رِكابي أَم أُتيحَ لَها خَبتُ
عَميمُ رِياضٍ ما يَزالُ بِهِ نَبتُ

2. And a night with falling stars atoned for it
Looking like a Jew who had abandoned the Sabbath

٢. وَكَفَّرَها لَيلٌ تَرَهَّبَ شُهبُهُ
تُخالُ يَهوداً عاقَ عَن سَيرِها السَبتُ

3. And a saying roused it regarding the Sanctuary
That is a narrative whose narrator is not steadfast

٣. وَهَيَّجَها قَولٌ يُقالُ عَنِ الحِمى
وَذاكَ حَديثٌ ما مُحَدِّثُهُ ثَبَتُ

4. And whoever eyes the world with a prohibited eye
No barrenness leads him to it, nor satiety

٤. وَمَن عايَنَ الدُنيا بِعَينٍ مِنَ النُهى
فَلا جَذَلٌ يُفضي إِلَيهِ وَلا كَبتُ

5. By God! Oh full moon in his allegation
How much you orbited before the idol was worshipped

٥. وَفي اللَهُ يا بَدرَ السَماءِ بِزَعمِهِ
وَكَم جُبتَ جِنحاً قَبلَ أَن يُعبَدَ الجِبتُ

6. Some people live without their bodies being touched
By pleasures, nor is debauchery suited for their feet

٦. يَعيشُ أُناسٌ لا يَمِسُّ جُسومَهُم
شُفوفٌ وَلا يَحذى لِأَقدامِهِم سِبتُ

7. I slept for a time, then sleepiness overcame me
And I burned for an era, then senility overtook me

٧. رَقَدتُ زَماناً ثُمَّ أَرقَدَني الوَنى
وَأَلهَبتُ دَهراً ثُمَّ أَدرَكَني الهَبتُ