
Let no walker envy horse riders in flurry

لا يغبطن ماش فوارس شزب

1. Let no walker envy horse riders in flurry
Every horseman is just like another walker

١. لا يَغبَطَن ماشٍ فَوارِسَ شُزَّبٍ
ما فارِسٌ إِلّا كَآخَرَ راجِلِ

2. And my hands in my life and she is my beloved
Like the hands of Abi Lahab tomorrow in fate

٢. وَيَدايَ في دُنيايَ وَهِيَ حَبيبَةٌ
كَيَدَي أَبي لَهبٍ غَداً في الآجِلِ

3. And if I contemplate, nothing stirs my thinking
Except what I endure other than the blame of time

٣. وَإِذا اِفتَكَرتَ فَما يَهيجُ تَفَكُّري
فيما أُكابِدُ غَيرَ لَومِ الناجِلِ

4. And I have spared my children, so they are in the blessing of
Nonexistence, which is better than the joy of now

٤. وَأَرَحتُ أَولادي فَهُم في نِعمَةِ ال
عَدَمِ الَّتي فَضَلَت نَعيمَ العاجِلِ

5. And if they appeared, they would suffer hardship
That casts them into the turbulence of events

٥. وَلَو أَنَّهُم ظَهَروا لَعانوا شِدَّةً
تَرميهُمُ في مُتلِفاتِ هَواجِلِ

6. I am worse off than a gazelle that is leashed
Among humans frolicking in trinkets and anklets

٦. أَسوِئ بِحالِ الظَبيِ وَهوَ مُرَبَّبٌ
في الإِنسِ يَمرَحُ في حُلىً وَجَلاجِلِ

7. Seek for yourself, O richest asylum
Where the neighing of a neighing horse does not hurt you

٧. أُطلُب لِنَفسِكَ يا أَغَنُّ مَحَلَّةً
في حَيثُ لا تُدميكَ زَجلَةُ زاجِلِ

8. If it were not for the abundant rains of old
The gazelles would not have ripened in the pans of homes

٨. لَولا نَوافِرُ في القَديمِ تَناسَلَت
ما أَنضَجَ الظَبِيّاتِ غَليُ مَراجِلِ

9. And the tales of the crescent moons residing in the upper rooms
Were fed by supportive hands with scythes

٩. وَسَوالِفُ القُمرِ السَواكِنُ بِالفَلا
غُذّينَ أَيدِيَ أَيِّدٍ بِمَناجِلِ

10. Do not grieve over the misfortunes of ravens and
All the youths, all bound in shackles

١٠. لا تَأسَفَنَّ حَواجِلُ الغِربانِ وَال
فِتيانُ كُلُّهُمُ بِقَيدٍ حاجِلِ

11. And the register of death went on to write it
For one of us disputing or not disputing

١١. وَسِجِلُّ مَوتٍ راحَ يَكتُبُهُ الرَدى
لِمُساجِلٍ مِنّا وَغَيرِ مُساجِلِ