
Man is but a single sperm, his life-span but a moment

إنما المرء نطفة ومداه

1. Man is but a single sperm, his life-span but a moment
A brief breath, not a perpetual gift when he passes on

١. إِنَّما المَرءُ نُطفَةٌ وَمَداهُ
خَطفَةٌ لَيسَ عَطفَةٌ حينَ يَمضي

2. And people seem like mounted knights
Sporting with a tattered shroud after it frays

٢. وَكَأَنَّ الأَنامَ سَرحُ حُسامٍ
يَتَسَلّى بِخُلَّةٍ بَعدَ حَمضِ

3. Cry out, if thoughts of calamities cross my mind
Cry out, oh what sorrow startles my sleep

٣. صاحِ إِن جالَ في الحَوادِثِ فِكري
صاحَ يا لَلأَسى يُنَفِّرُ غَمضي

4. If you heed some of the needs of the Lord
Do not heed, with dread, one who dwells in the grave

٤. إِن تُراعوا مِنَ المُراعاةِ رَبّاً
لا تُراعوا بِالرَوعِ مِنَ ذاتِ رَمضِ