1. What ails the young man who has shunned his kin and wealth?
A she-camel, bright red, called Ukar.
١. ما لِلفَتى عَقَرَت حِجاهُ وَمالَهُ
حَمراءُ صافِيَةٌ فَقيلَ عُقارُ
2. She was milked with water and was melting with desire,
So leeches clung to her from the muddy hollows.
٢. قُرِعَت بِماءٍ وَهيَ ذائِبُ عَسجَدٍ
فَطَفَت عَلَيهِ مِنَ اللُجَينِ نِقارُ
3. Her owner perished while in utter darkness.
So the drones pitched camp around her.
٣. أَودى أَبوها وَهوَ أَسوَدُ حالِكٌ
فَأَقامَ يَخلُفُهُ عَلَيها القارُ
4. Were she Sanctuary, and the winds blew against her slopes,
No honor would remain in her.
٤. لَو كانَ قُدساً ثُمَّ هَبَّت ريحُها
بِهِضابِهِ لَم يَبقَ فيهِ وَقارُ
5. She has impoverished him, yet in avoiding her is wealth.
From the King comes wealth and poverty.
٥. قَد أَفقَرَتهُ وَفي تَجَنُّبِها غِنىً
وَمِنَ المَليكِ غِناهُ وَالإِفقارُ
6. If the celestial spheres could bear drinking, they would imagine
No glory remains above their backs.
٦. لَو تَحمِلُ الشَربُ الرَواسِيَ أَوهَموا
أَن لَيسَ فَوقَ ظُهورِهِم أَوقارُ