
The varieties of this life are brought together

صنوف هذي الحياة يجمعها

1. The varieties of this life are brought together
By length of attention, sleep, and years.

١. صُنوفُ هَذي الحَياةِ يَجمَعُها
طولُ اِنتِباهٍ وَرَقدَةٍ وَسِنَه

2. If this world of yours were to speak to you eloquently,
You would address it with an eloquent tongue.

٢. دُنياكَ لَو حاوَرَتكَ ناطِقَةٌ
خاطَبتَ مِنها بَليغَةً لِسِنَه

3. Let fate do what it wills,
For my thoughts about my Creator are good.

٣. لِيَفعَلِ الدَهرُ ما يَهُمُّ بِهِ
إِنَّ ظُنوني بِخالِقي حَسَنَه

4. Let not the soul despair of His bounty,
Even if it dwells in fire a thousand years.

٤. لا تَيأَسُ النَفسُ مِن تَفَضُّلِهِ
وَلَو أَقامَت في النارِ أَلفَ سَنَه