1. By my life, this journey has been so long for me,
And I have become one of the few.
١. لَعَمري لَقَد طالَ هذا السَفَر
عَلَيَّ وَأَصبَحتُ أَحدو النَفَر
2. Shall I emerge from beneath this sky?
How can I escape, and where is the refuge?
٢. أَأَخرُجُ مِن تَحتِ هَذي السَماءِ
فَكَيفَ الإِباقُ وَأَينَ المَفَر
3. How many years have I lived in time?
And how many months of Rabi' or Safar have I traversed?
٣. وَكم عُشتُ مِن سَنَةٍ في الزَمانِ
وَجاوَزتُ مِن رَجَبٍ أَو صَفَر
4. The claws of the lions in their dens
Are only for gaining prey.
٤. وَما جُعِلَت لِأُسودِ العَرينِ
أَظافيرُ إِلّا اِبتِغاءَ الظَفَر
5. May God destroy a people when you come to them
With the truth of speech, and they claim it's blasphemy.
٥. لَحا اللَهُ قَوماً إِذا جِئتَهُم
بِصِدقِ الأَحاديثِ قالوا كِفَر
6. And if the destructive sins are forgiven,
Then all their afflictions can be overlooked.
٦. وَإِن غُفِرَت مُوبِقاتُ الذُنوبِ
فَكُلُّ مَصائِبِهِم تُغتَفَر
7. The spirit of a young man is like a bird—
It flies off and does not come back when it takes flight.
٧. وَرَوحُ الفَتى أَشبَهَت طائِراً
أُطيرَ فَما عادَ لَمّا نَفَر
8. Congratulations to my body when it comes to rest
And becomes a pile of dust.
٨. هَنيئاً لِجِسمي إِذا ما اِستَقَرَّ
وَصارَ لِعُنصُرِهِ في العَفَر
9. I do not care who treads the grave or who digs it.
Your world hides from the seeker,
٩. وَلَستُ أُبالي إِذا ما بَليتُ
مَن وَطِئَ القَبرَ أَو مَن حَفَر
10. And it does not hide from the watcher.
١٠. تَحَجُّبُ دُنياكَ عَن طالِبٍ
وَلَيسَ تَحَجُّبُها مِن خَفَر