
How ugly is blame! You said no one grows old

ما أقبح المين قلتم لم يشب أحد

1. How ugly is blame! You said no one grows old
Until old age came upon Abraham among the nations

١. ما أَقبَحَ المَينَ قُلتُم لَم يَشِب أَحَدٌ
حَتّى أَتى الشَيبُ إِبراهيمَ عَن أُمَمِ

2. You lied, and the stars of the night bear witness
That gray hair has long dwelled in the tents

٢. كَذَبتُمُ وَنُجومُ اللَيلِ شاهِدَةٌ
إِنَّ المَشيبَ قَديماً حَلَّ في اللِمَمِ

3. This whiteness is a messenger of death sent
In every age to generations and tribes

٣. هَذا البَياضُ رَسولُ المَوتِ يَبعَثُهُ
في كُلِّ عَصرٍ إِلى الأَجيالِ وَالأُمَمُ

4. And I have not grieved over parting with this world
Nor has the ruined one grieved over rubble

٤. وَما أَسيتُ عَلى الدُنيا مُزايَلَةً
وَلا تَأَسَّت عَلى البالي مِنَ الرِمَمِ

5. It cracked and collapsed, and I neither praised nor was praised
Then we both turned away, both wretched of purpose

٥. شَقَّت وَعَقَّت وَلَم أَحمُد وَلا حَمَدَت
ثُمَّ اِنصَرَفنا كِلانا سَيِّئُ الهِمَمِ

6. And my desire for its children will not come to pass
How can the cheek of reason desire rubble?

٦. وَرَغبَتي في بَنيها غَيرُ كائِنَةٍ
وَكَيفَ يَرغَبُ خِدنُ العَقلِ في اللَمَمِ

7. There is no good in them, though they exalt Rajab
Above the months, so they have deafened it with blindness

٧. لا خَيرَ فيهِم وَإِن هُم عَظَّموا رَجَباً
دونَ الشُهورِ فَقَد شانوهُ بِالصَمَمِ

8. Snub noses that were cut off never smelled roses
If only your hand had not cut off the nose of the snub-nosed one

٨. لَم تُعطِ قَطُّ أُنوفاً جُدِّعَت شَمَماً
فَلَيتَ كَفَّكَ لَم تَجدَع أَخا الشَمَمِ

9. Do not tie the knot in an oath or period of waiting
For your nature is called violator of pacts

٩. لا تُحكمِ العَقدَ في حِلفٍ وَلا عِدَةٍ
فَإِنَّ طَبعَكَ يُدعى ناقِضَ الذِمَمِ

10. And time has a cave in their souls
It is enough for you to put the Indian in ruins

١٠. وَلِلزَمانِ مَغارٌ في نُفوسِهُمُ
يَكفيكَ أَن تَضَعَ الهِندِيَّ بِالقِمَمِ