
They were so keen on worldly pleasures, and perished,

لقد حرصوا على الدنيا فبادوا

1. They were so keen on worldly pleasures, and perished,
So do not be too greedy in life.

١. لَقَد حَرَصوا عَلى الدُنِّيا فَبادوا
فَلا تَكُ في الحَياةِ مِنَ الحِراصِ

2. Reluctantly they were laid to rest in their graves,
While the land of the people was left with no mourners.

٢. وَأَودِعهُم عَلى كُرهٍ ثَراهُم
فَأَرضُ القَومِ خالِيَةُ العِراصِ

3. You believe those who come to you with lies,
Yet how can your close friend be more deserving of doubt?

٣. تُصَدِّقُ مَن أَتاكَ بِغَيرِ صِدقٍ
وَما أَولى أَمينَكَ بِاِختِراصِ

4. Your brother is but a lurking lion,
Who stalks you, awaiting his chance to pounce.

٤. وَلَيسَ أَخوكَ إِلّا لَيثَ غابٍ
يَسورُ إِلى اِفتِراسِكَ بِاِفتِراصِ