
Four maids have glorified

كم سبحت أربع جوار

1. Four maids have glorified
With their praises the Lord

١. كَم سَبَحَت أَربَعٌ جَوارٍ
لَها بِتَسبيحِها حُبورُ

2. From south and north
And zephyr their sister, the cool breeze

٢. فَمِن جَنوبٍ وَمِن شَمالٍ
وَمِن صَباً أُختُها الدَبورُ

3. Meteorites all gathered and the Pleiades
That somber one and the crosser

٣. وَالشُهُبُ جَمعاً وَشِعرَياها
تِلكَ الغُمَيصاءُ وَالعَبورُ

4. So glorify your Lord until
The graves relinquish their dead

٤. فَمَجِّدوا رَبَّكُم إِلى أَن
تَلفِظَ أَمواتَها القُبورُ

5. All that the righteous do
Except fear their Lord comes to naught

٥. فَكُلُّ ما تَفعَلُ البَرايا
إِلّا تُقى رَبِّها يَبورُ

6. Patience is resolve in calamities
And we were enjoined to be patient

٦. وَالصَبرُ حَزمٌ عَلى الرَزايا
وَقَبلَنا فُضِّلَ الصَبورُ

7. Are you confident in Thubayr
That ruin will not befall?

٧. وَهَل أَمِنتُم عَلى ثَبيرٍ
أَن يَتَداعى بِهِ الثُبورُ

8. All who intend will be struck
With a stumble that has no shelter

٨. فَكُلُّ ذي مِشيَةٍ سَيُرمى
بِعَثرَةٍ ما لَها جُبورُ

9. Long have I stood behind the bridge
Yet only crossing is awaited

٩. طالَ وُقوفي وَراءَ جِسرٍ
وَإِنَّما يُنظَرُ العُبورُ

10. Son of Asa has passed but
The Psalms tell of his merit

١٠. إِنَّ اِبنَ آسى مَضى وَلَكِن
دَلَّ عَلى فَضلِهِ الزَبورُ