1. I was turned from all I aspired to
Until I lost interest, yet I was not set free from aspiration
١. حورِفتُ في كُلِّ مَطلوبٍ هَمَمتُ بِهِ
حَتّى زَهِدتُ فَما خُلّيتُ وَالزُهُدا
2. So praise be to Allah if I am hit by an arrow
And I would not be truthful if I called it honey
٢. فَالحَمدُ لِلَّهِ صابي ما يُزايِلُني
وَلَستُ أَصدُقُ إِن سَمَّيتُهُ شُهُدا
3. And I don't think the gardens of immortality can be attained
Except by those who strove hard in piety
٣. وَما أَظُنُّ جِنانَ الخُلدِ يُدرِكُها
إِلّا مَعاشِرُ كانوا في التُقى جُهدا
4. The day passes and I don't cease being busy
And I can't bear it when dusk descends, drowsy
٤. يَمضي النَهارُ فَما أَنفَكُّ في شُغلٍ
وَلا أَطيقُ إِذا جَنَّ الدُجى سُهُدا
5. As for the bed, an insomniac lies next to me on it
And religion is a knot on breasts that abandon rest
٥. أَمّا المِهادُ فَجَنبي فيهِ مُضطَجِعٌ
وَالدينُ عِقدُ جُنوبٍ تَهجُرُ المُهُدا