1. You have become sick in mind and religion, so leave me
To hear news of truthful matters
١. غَدَوتَ مَريضَ العَقلِ وَالدينِ فَاِلقَني
لِتَسمَعَ أَنباءَ الأُمورِ الصَحائِحِ
2. So do not eat what the water has produced unjustly
And do not seek sustenance from the slaughter of sacrifices
٢. فَلا تَأكُلَن ما أَخرَجَ الماءُ ظالِماً
وَلا تَبغِ قوتاً مِن غَريضِ الذَبائِحِ
3. And the milk of mothers who wanted it clear
For their children, not the strange infants
٣. وَأَبيَضَ أُمّاتٍ أَرادَت صَريحَهُ
لِأَطفالِها دونَ الغَواني الصَرائِحِ
4. And do not make the birds grieve while they are absent
With what they have laid, for oppression is the worst of evils
٤. وَلا تَفجَعَنَّ الطَيرَ وَهيَ غَوافِلٌ
بِما وَضَعَت فَالظُلمُ شَرُّ القَبائِحِ
5. And leave striking the bees that woke early for it
Like earners from the blossoms of plants beginning to bloom
٥. وَدَع ضَربَ النَحلِ الَّذي بَكَرَت لَهُ
كَواسِبَ مِن أَزهارِ نَبتٍ فَوائِحِ
6. For what they have gained, how can it be for others
And they did not gather it for the dew and the drizzles
٦. فَما أَحرَزَتهُ كَي يَكونَ لِغَيرِها
وَلا جَمَعَتهُ لِلنَدى وَالمَنائِحِ
7. I have washed my hands of all this, if only I
Had become confused about my affair before the graying of temples
٧. مَسَحتُ يَدَي مِن كُلِّ هَذا فَلَيتَني
أَبَهتُ لِشَأني قَبلَ شَيبِ المَسائِحِ
8. Oh people of my time, do you know secrets
That I have known, but I do not expose them
٨. بَني زَمني هَل تَعلَمونَ سَرائِراً
عَلِمتُ وَلَكِنّي بِها غَيرُ بائِحِ
9. You have insisted on going astray, why have you not been guided
By what I presented you clearly?
٩. سَرَيتُم عَلى غَيٍّ فَهَلّا اِهتَدَيتُمُ
بِما خَيَّرتُكُم صافِياتُ القَرائِحِ
10. And the caller to misguidance called you, so why did you
Respond to what every screamer imagined?
١٠. وَصاحَ بِكُم داعِيَ الضَلالِ فَما لَكُم
أَجَبتُم عَلى ما خَيَّلَت كُلَّ صائِحِ
11. When will you uncover the truths of your religion?
You will uncover your shameful disgraces
١١. مَتّى ماكَشَفتُم عَن حَقائِقِ دينِكُم
تَكَشَّفتُم عَن مُخزَياتِ الفَضائِحِ
12. So if you are rightly guided, do not redden the sword with blood
And do not obligate miles to probe wounds
١٢. فَإِن تَرشُدوا لا تَخضِبوا السَيفَ مِن دَمٍ
وَلا تُلزِموا الأَميالَ سَبرَ الجَرائِحِ
13. And I like the way of those who became devout
Except their eating, the squeezing of stingy souls
١٣. وَيُعجِبُني دَأبُ الَّذينَ تَرَهَّبوا
سِوى أَكلِهِم كَدَّ النُفوسِ الشَحائِحِ
14. And more pleasant food in his life than them
Is the seekers of lawful gains between present and coming
١٤. وَأَطيَبُ مِنهُم مَطعَماً في حَياتِهِ
سُعاةُ حَلالٍ بَينَ غَادٍ وَرائِحِ
15. For the Christ did not detain the soul in devotion
But walked the earth walking like a wanderer
١٥. فَما حَبَسَ النَفسَ المَسيحُ تَعَبُّداً
وَلَكِن مَشى في الأَرضِ مِشيَةَ سائِحِ
16. Burying me in dirt is he who hates me
If the stench does not bury me first
١٦. يُغَيِّبُني في التُربِ مَن هُوَ كارِهٌ
إِذا لَم يُغَيِّبني كَريهُ الرَوائِحِ
17. And whoever fears neighborly the greatest
Like the greatest of those vanished civilizations
١٧. وَمَن يَتَوَقّى أَن يُجاوِرَ أَعظُماً
كَأَعظُمِ تِلكَ الهالِكاتِ الطَرائِحِ
18. And of the worst morals of a companion and their actions
Is vile chanting and prolonged wailing
١٨. وَمِن شَرِّ أَخلاقِ الأَنيسِ وَفِعلِهِم
خُوارُ النَواعي وَاِلتِدامُ النَوائِحِ
19. And I pardon a friend's sin and another's
To settle the house of truth among the pure
١٩. وَأَصفَحُ عَن ذَنبِ الصَديقِ وَغَيرِهِ
لِسُكنايَ بَيتَ الحَقِّ بَينَ الصَفائِحِ
20. And I care little for praising the youth in his honesty
So how can I accept the liars' praises?
٢٠. وَأَزهَدُ في مَدحِ الفَتى عِندَ صِدقِهِ
فَكَيفَ قُبولي كاذِباتِ المَدائِحِ
21. And the stubborn soul has not stopped being led
To become one of the scattered perversities
٢١. وَما زالَت النَفسُ اللَجوجُ مَطِيَّةً
إِلى أَن غَدَت إِحدى الرَذايا الطَلائِحِ
22. And it does not benefit man that clouds
Pass over him under one of the tents
٢٢. وَما يَنفَعُ الإِنسانَ أَنَّ غَمائِماً
تَسُحُّ عَلَيهِ تَحتَ إِحدى الضَرائِحِ
23. And if there was a desire in some for water
People would compete in the graves of the fallen
٢٣. وَلَو كانَ في قُربٍ مِنَ الماءِ رَغبَةٌ
لَنافَسَ ناسٌ في قُبورِ البَطائِحِ