
Time takes revenge on me for a deliberate crime,

أقاتلي الزمان قصاص عمد

1. Time takes revenge on me for a deliberate crime,
For I have killed its children in full knowledge.

١. أَقاتِلِيَ الزَمانُ قِصاصَ عَمدٍ
لِأَنّي قَد قَتَلتُ بَنيهِ خُبرا

2. And though I did not shed their blood,
I came to know their affairs completely and probed them.

٢. وَلَم أَسفِك دِماءَهُمُ وَلَكِن
عَرَفتُ شُؤونَهُم كَشفاً وَسَبرا

3. I went out early while my steed Rihān was a pledge,
Skillful in difficulties, and I am patient.

٣. غَدَوتُ وَرَيبَهُ فَرَسَي رِهانٍ
يُجيدُ نَوائِباً وَأُجيدُ صَبرا

4. It is as though our souls are unruly camels
Whose intellect controls them while the verse is elucidated.

٤. كَأَنَّ نُفوسَنا إِبلٌ صِعابٌ
بُراها عَقلُها وَالعيسُ تُبرى

5. How many hours one longs to build in construction
Yet is not granted what he would build in verse!

٥. وَكَم ساعٍ لِيُحبَرَ في بِناءٍ
فَلَم يُرزَق بِما يَبنيهِ حَبرا

6. Like the mother ostrich who comes out of her nest
With chicks of a house that will return to being a grave.

٦. كَأُمِّ القَزِّ يَخرُجُ مِن حَشاها
ذُرى بَيتٍ لَها فَيَعودُ قَبرا

7. Perhaps you will fulfill the dust of my religion
When we rise from the graves covered in dust.

٧. لَعَلَّكَ مُنجِزي أَغبارَ ديني
إِذا قُمنا مِنَ الأَجداثِ غُبرا

8. And the digger of a mine met with ruin
Though his toil was to obtain sulfur.

٨. وَحافِرِ مَعدِنٍ لاقى تَباراً
وَكانَ عَناؤُهُ لِيُصيبَ تِبرا

9. We agreed upon a despicable disposition.
So why does the ignorant take pride in greatness?

٩. تَوافَقنا عَلى شِيَمٍ خِساسٍ
فَما بالُ الجَهولِ يُسِرُّ كِبرا

10. For this one asks the misers for attainment
While that one beats the generous out of insolence.

١٠. فَهَذا يَسأَلُ البُخَلاءَ نَيلاً
وَهَذا يَضرِبُ الكُرَماءَ هَبرا

11. A man sitting proudly in a wasteland
Is like his rising in the plateau in the early dawn.

١١. جُلوسُ المَرءِ في وَبَرٍ مَليكاً
نَظيرُ طُلوعِهِ في الهَضبِ وَبرا

12. And calling you a doctor to mend a limb
Is lighter for you than calling you an undertaker.

١٢. وَدَعواكَ الطَبيبَ لِجَبرِ عُضوٍ
أَخَفُّ عَلَيكَ مِن دَعواكَ جَبرا

13. Neither advanced age nor youth protects the young man
With a death wrapping him in advanced age and youth.

١٣. وَما يَحمي الفَتى كِبَراً وَزَرداً
بِمَوتٍ لِبسُهُ زَرداً وَكِبرا

14. We spend our time in wealth and poverty
And expend our words whispering and yelling.

١٤. نُقَضّي وَقتَنا بِغِنىً وَعُدمٍ
وَنُنفِقُ لَفظَنا هَمساً وَنَبرا

15. I disavow, before the Creator, a tongue
That grew accustomed to frightening people, by God!

١٥. إِلى الخَلّاقِ أَبرَأُ مِن لِسانٍ
تَعَوَّدَ أَن يَروعَ الناسَ أَبرا

16. And he who innovates lengthy poetical pieces in plains
Should not leave the birds behind with the ants.

١٦. وَمَن يُبدِع طَوِيّاً في سُهولٍ
فَلا يَترُك مَعَ الطارينَ زُبرا

17. It is as though we are in seas of calamities
And the seers do not perceive a moral for them.

١٧. كَأَنّا في بِحارٍ مِن خُطوبٍ
وَلَيسَ يَرى لَها الراؤونَ عِبرا