
They separated so that your evil would lessen

تفرقوا كي يقل شركم

1. They separated so that your evil would lessen
Yet all people are totally corrupt

١. تَفَرَّقوا كَي يَقِلَّ شَرُّكُم
فَإِنَّما الناسُ كُلُّهُم وَسَخُ

2. I'm ignorant of their chiefs though they claim
To be firmly rooted in knowledge

٢. أَجهِل بِساداتِهِم وَإِن زَعَموا
أَنَّهُمُ في عُلومِهِم رَسَخوا

3. They didn't break their promise of ugly deeds
They were stingy yet they wasted their own secrets

٣. ما فَسَخوا بِالقَبيحِ عَهدَهُمُ
ضَنّوا وَأَمّا بِسِرَّهُمُ فَسَخوا

4. Religion was abolished in their eras
If only they, like their religion, were abolished

٤. قَد نُسِخَ الشَرعُ في عُصورِهِمُ
فَلَيتَهُمُ مِثلَ شَرعِهِم نُسِخوا