1. I see your two young men, if distress befalls the young man
Yet they are not in distressful guilt
١. أَرى فَتَيَي دُنياكَ إِن حَرِجَ الفَتى
فَما إِن هُما في مَأثَم حَرِجانِ
2. And how much spaciousness they meet with disdain
And confinement they enter narrow
٢. وَكَم مِن رَحيبٍ يُلقِيانِ مُلاءَةً
عَلَيهِ وَضَنكٍ ضَيِّقٍ يَلِجانِ
3. Ever new, not worn by the passage of time
Nor squeezed by the palms of people
٣. جَديدانِ لَمّا يَبلَيا بِتَقادُمٍ
وَلا بِأَكُفِّ القَومِ يُنتَسَجانِ
4. If companions grieve, they do not grieve for them
How then by the opposite of grief would they rejoice?
٤. إِذا حَزِنَ الأَصحابُ لَم يَحزَنا لَهُم
فَأَنّى بِضِدُِّ الحُزنِ يَبتَهِجانِ
5. My night conversation has adorned the stars of nightfall
A conversation no hand of a critic has touched
٥. مُلاحِيَتي قَد زَيَّنَت أَنجُمُ الدُجى
مُلاحِيَةٌ لَم تَجنِها يَدُ جاني
6. It suspends the ear of time with an earring, yet it was not
To stir while the two earrings stir
٦. تُعَلِّقُ أُذنَ الدَهرِ قُرطاً وَلَم يَكُن
لِيَخلُجَ وَالقُرطانِ يَختَلِجانِ
7. And whoever makes the days his debtor, so they are inclined
To their aberrance by night and twilight
٧. وَمَن دايَنَ الأَيّامَ فَهيَ مَلِيَّةٌ
عَلى غَيِّها بِاللَيِّ وَالسَلَجانِ
8. And they rule a nation in its prime
And heal among the poets and the wounded
٨. وَسِيّانِ مَلكا مَعشَرٍ في سَناهُما
وَعِلجانِ في الشَعراءِ وَالعَلَجانِ
9. I hoped, by my life, O reproacher
You would hope for me, and away with the vain hopers
٩. رَجاكَ لَعَمري أَيُّها الريمُ قاطِعٌ
رَجائِيَ وَبُعداً لِلَغوِيَّ رَجاني
10. And I prefer to my eulogy reticence
The words of a wanton, not a praiser or madman
١٠. وَآثَرُ عِندي مِن مَديحي تَخَرُّصاً
كَلامُ غَوِيٍّ لامَني وَهَجاني
11. Tomorrow the bosom fears no dejection or dejection
And before you my blackness and my wounds hurt most
١١. غَدا الحَتفُ لا شَجواً يَخافُ وَلا شَجاً
وَقَبلَكَ أَشجى أُسودي وَشَجاني
12. And no use is the foolish and weakness has occurred
If the hair of the head is not dark
١٢. وَما يَنفَعُ الغِربيبُ وَالضَعفُ واقِعٌ
إِذا كانَ لَونُ الرأسِ غَيرَ هِجانِ