
Pay my debts and release my loans

أوف ديوني وخل أقراضي

1. Pay my debts and release my loans
The likes of you are not guided to my purposes

١. أَوفِ دُيوني وَخَلِّ أَقراضي
مِثلُكَ لا يَهتَدي لِأَغراضي

2. Why have the sons of Adam become nations
With rhythms that have no meanings

٢. ما لِبَني آدَمٍ غَدوا أُمَماً
لَهُم عُروضٌ بِغَيرِ أَعراضِ

3. How many men's wishes were delayed
Little money, much sickness

٣. كَم رَجُلٍ ماطَلَت مَنيَّتُهُ
قَليلَ مالٍ كَثيرَ أَمراضِ

4. And he is infatuated with his world, tired
Satisfied with the scraps of its game

٤. وَهُوَ بِدُنياهُ مولَعٌ كَلِفٌ
يَقنَعُ مِن صَيدِها بِمِعراضِ

5. The brass of the law became the silver of a boy for you
It made the shiny gifts tarnished

٥. حَلَّت نِحاسَ الناموسِ فِضَّةُ شَي
بٍ لَكَ حَلَّت هَديدَ مِقراضِ

6. That girl was not pleased with you, nor was your Lord
With what you have done, satisfied

٦. لَم تَرضَ ذاكَ الفَتاةُ عَنكَ وَلا
رَبُّكَ فيما فَعَلتَهُ راضِ

7. Cutting and dyeing eyes that are sharp
And nothing increased them but aversion

٧. قَصّاً وَخَضباً لِأَعيُنٍ لُمُحٍ
وَلَم يَزِدهِنَّ غَيرَ إِعراضِ