
I bid farewell to a life, the like of which,

أودع يومي عالما إن مثله

1. I bid farewell to a life, the like of which,
If it passes by the likes of me, will not return,

١. أُوَدِّعُ يَومي عالَماً إِنَّ مِثلَهُ
إِذا مَرَّ عَن مِثلي فَلَيسَ يَعودُ

2. And the heedlessness of living is nothing but misfortune,
Though some may think it brings happiness.

٢. وَما غَفَلاتُ العَيشِ إِلّا مَناحِسٌ
وَإِن ظَنَّ قَومٌ أَنَّهُنَّ سُعودُ

3. As if I were departing on a camel at noon
When the heat of midday departed and returned.

٣. كَأَنّي عَلى العودِ الرَكوبِ مُهَجِّراً
إِذا نَصَّ حِرباءُ الظَهيرَةِ عودُ

4. Death crept in the darkness while people were heedless,
And rose on one leg while we were seated.

٤. سَرى المَوتُ في الظَلماءِ وَالقَومُ في الكَرى
وَقامَ عَلى ساقٍ وَنَحنُ قُعودُ

5. By God, that is the most difficult situation,
As if my burial cloth was ascending the earth.

٥. وَتِلكَ لَعَمرُ اللَهِ أَصعَبُ خُطَّةٍ
كَأَنَّ حُدوري في التُرابِ صُعودُ

6. And my life to death is like a cloud,
And my words to doves are like thunder.

٦. وَإِنَّ حَياتي لِلمَنايا سَحابَةٌ
وَإِنَّ كَلامي لِلحِمامِ رَعودُ

7. This life fulfils its promised appointed time,
Yet hope of delay from it continues to linger.

٧. يُنَجِّزُ هَذا الدَهرُ ما كانَ مَوعِداً
وَتَمطُلُ مِنهُ بِالرَجاءِ وُعودُ