
If man believes in God, let him be wise

إذا آمن الإنسان بالله فليكن

1. If man believes in God, let him be wise
And not mix his faith with blasphemy

١. إِذا آمَنَ الإِنسانُ بِاللَهِ فَليَكُن
لَبيباً وَلا يَخلِط بِإيمانِهِ كُفرا

2. When the soul departs the body it will not
Return, so drive it away by what it has done in aversion

٢. إِذا نَفَرَت نَفسٌ عَنِ الجِسمِ لَم تَعُد
إِلَيهِ فَأَبعِد بِالَّذي فَعَلَت نَفرا

3. As if a newborn died before falling
On the ground, saved from his swaddling clothes in deliverance

٣. كَأَنَّ وَليداً ماتَ قَبلَ سُقوطِهِ
عَلى الأَرضِ ناجٍ مِن حِبالَتِهِ طَفرا

4. I wish I were between a garden and a spring
With the wild beasts, not building Egypt nor blaspheming

٤. تَمَنَّيتُ أَنّي بَينَ رَوضٍ وَمَنهَلٍ
مَعَ الوَحشِ لا مِصراً أَحُلُّ وَلاكَفرا

5. They say the hyena's mind holds wisdom
If its tablets were written, they would fill volumes

٥. يَقولونَ مَسكُ الجَفرِ أودِعَ حِكمَةً
إِذا كُتِبَت أَطراسُها مَلَأَت جَفرا

6. And a she-camel in Rut suckled wealth
Like forgiveness suckling mercy in forgiveness

٦. وَغافِرَةٍ في نيقَةٍ رَضِعَت غِنىً
كَمُغفِرَةٍ في النيقِ مُرضِعَةٍ غَفرا

7. Whenever your hands are filled with your worldly goods
It sends a bare-handed one to return the palm empty

٧. مَتى مَلَأَت كَفَّيكَ دُنياكَ أَرسَلَت
مُلِمّاً يُعيدُ الكَفَّ مِن جودِها صِفرا

8. Do you seek a gift from the mother of insects?!
When she has scattered her offspring amongst them in dispersion

٨. أَمِن أُمِّ دَفرٍ تَبتَغونَ عَطِيَّةً
وَقَد فَرَّقَت فيهِم سُلالَتَها دَفرا

9. And how many a dirty-faced one between her straps
Used to pelt the skins and wool before her

٩. وَكَم مِن عَفيرِ الوَجهِ بَينَ أَديمِها
وَقَد كانَ يَرمي قبلَها الأُدمَ وَالعُفرا

10. I have risen with the living since my birth
To this day we do not cease in constant journeying

١٠. غَدَوتُ مَعَ الأَحياءِ مُذ حانَ مَولِدي
إِلى اليَومِ ما نَنفَكُّ في دَأَبٍ سَفرا

11. And your Lord has provided sustenance to the depressions and the dunes
And rained death upon the buildings and wastelands

١١. وَرَبُّكَ عَمَّ الوَهدَ بِالرِزقِ وَالرُبى
وَأَمطَرَ بِالمَوتِ العَمائِرَ وَالقَفرا

12. And if God endears the sword to a man
He endows him with it in every peril as a victory

١٢. وَإِن حَبَّبَ اللَهُ الحُسامَ إِلى اِمرِئٍ
حَباهُ بِهِ في كُلِّ مَفزَعَةٍ خَفرا

13. And makes his eyelids eyelids for his eyes
And his skull a skull for his head and his blade a blade

١٣. وَصَيَّرَ جَفناً جَفنَهُ وَغِرارَهُ
غِراراً لِعَينَيهِ وَشَفرَتَهُ شُفرا

14. And an honorable clan has woven a branch
So none dissolved it but the washing women for him in plaiting

١٤. وَقَد ضَفَرَت فَرعاً كَريمَةُ مَعشَرٍ
فَما حَلَّ إِلّا الغاسِلاتُ لَهُ ضَفرا

15. Its string drew near to her palm in worship
And it cast dinars with its palm yellow

١٥. دَنا نيرُها مِن كَفِّها لِتَعَبُّدٍ
وَأَلقَت دَنانيراً بِراحَتِها صُفرا

16. If the companions of a musical tone abandon it
It remains desiring the companions of chanting

١٦. إِذا هَجَرَت زيرَينِ زيرَ أَوانِسٍ
وَزيرَ غِناءٍ فَهيَ راجِيَةٌ عَفرا

17. And we have returned without farewells to our abode of life
And we will leave it one day when we travel farewells

١٧. وَرَدنا بِلا وَفرٍ دِيارَ حَياتِنا
وَنَترُكُ فيها يَومَ نَرتَحِلُ الوَفرا

18. And if the Creator did not ordain for the lion its prey
He would not have given it the fang and claw

١٨. وَلَو لَم يُقَدِّر خالِقُ اللَيثِ فَرسَهُ
لِمَطعَمِهِ لَم يُعطِهِ النابَ وَالظُفرا

19. The nights grow long and time passes
Events that leave no trace upon its back

١٩. تَطولُ اللَيالي وَالزَمانُ وَتَنبَري
حَوادِثُ لا تُبقي عَلى ظَهرِها شَفرا

20. And there is no doubt about the goal of the exalted one to the earth
Even if he is equal to the whales and locusts

٢٠. وَلا رَيبَ في مَهوى الرَفيعِ إِلى الثَرى
وَلَو اِنَّهُ جارى السَماكينِ وَالغَفرا

21. And if the celestial constellations were his constellations
Something other than them would be changed easily

٢١. وَلَو أَنَّ أَبراجَ السَماءِ بُروجُه
لَبُدِّلَ مِنها غَيرَ مُمتَنِعٍ جَفرا

22. I wondered at parchment being chosen
By a people for their scripture a binding

٢٢. عَجِبتُ لِرَقٍّ ضُمِّنَ المَينَ بَعدَما
تَخَيَّرَهُ قَومٌ لِتَوراتِهِم سِفرا

23. Just as the rainwater quenched the rainwater bearer
It sometimes rivals a reservoir of their wells

٢٣. كَما وَسَقَ الراحَ السَقاءُ وَرُبَّما
يُضاهي مَزاداً مِن مَشارِبِهِم وُفرا