
Has not one come to the grave of the poor woman to inform her of the unseen about Tariq's deed?

ألا هل أتى قبر الفقيرة طارق

1. Has not one come to the grave of the poor woman to inform her of the unseen about Tariq's deed?
He converted after thirty clear proofs, and how much white hair shone before the separations.

١. أَلا هَل أَتى قَبرَ الفَقيرَةِ طارِقٌ
يُخَبِّرُها بِالغَيبِ عَن فِعلِ طارِقِ

2. And he did not rise from the sleep of youth seeking abstinence with dawn except while she was in the grip of the brilliant one.
And he abandoned the religion of his parents for something transient. If not for the youth's misguidance, he would not have abandoned.

٢. تَنَصَّرَ مِن بَعدِ الثَلاثينَ حِجَّةً
وَكَم لاحَ شَيبٌ قَبلَها في المَفارِقِ

3. What a wonder from one with blue eyes who benefited and so his soul inclined towards the glistening women.
So how much jewelry did he remove from the wrists of jewelry, and from a lovely one out of yearning for the companionship of the radiant one.

٣. وَما هَبَّ مِن نَومِ الصِبا يَطلُبُ النُهى
مَعَ الفَجرِ إِلّا وَهِيَ في كَفِّ شارِقِ

4. So stay away O you who slip in western lands, whose disgrace folds both east and west.
The prayer of the Al-Kasimi prince in a mosque is more righteous and purer than the prayer of patriarchs.

٤. وَفارَقَ دينَ الوالِدَينِ بِزائِلٍ
وَلَولا ضِلالٌ بِالفَتى لَم يُفارِقِ

5. Censers appear in their churches from them with a melody that tells of the singing of striking.
The dress of Hejazi Nimr and her clothes are nobler than their brocade and fleece.

٥. فَوا عَجَبا مِن أَزرَقِ العَينِ غادِرٍ
أَفادَ فَمالَت نَفسُهُ لِلأَزارِقِ

6. I see the pouring of tears requires that his sermons that were proven in the meadows spill his blood.
And nothing prevented the elephant warrior from mentioning his people, and singing praises of him except striking with maces.

٦. فَكَم مِن سِوارٍ رَدَّ نَبلَ أَساوِرٍ
وَمِن أَرَقٍ شَوقاً إِلى ذاتِ يارِقِ

7. You were once counted among the swords or spears, but now you have waned among the striking arrows.
And your prostration to the crucifixes in every street is sufficient disgrace for you.

٧. فَبُعداً لَها مِن زَلَّةٍ في مَغارِبٍ
مِنَ الأَرضِ يُثنى خَزيُها وَمُشارِقِ

8. You saw faces like gold coins which perfected the making of collars, so look what is the talk of separations.
You are to them a sweating pig whose bone melts so that you are found like a straying monk called a deserter.

٨. صَلاةُ الأَميرِ الكاسِميّ بِمَسجِدٍ
أَبَرُّ وَأَزكى مِن صَلاةِ البَطارِقِ

9. And your going astray did not sadden Islam against it, but you went the going of one who separates.
And you preferred the heat of a fire that is constantly blazing to poverty or a branch that has only a few green leaves.

٩. مَخاريقُ تَبدو في الكَنائِسِ مِنهُمُ
بِلَحنٍ لَهُم يَحكي غِناءَ مُخارِقِ

10. And I swear the noble one did not mind his appearance with the group walking in the striped shirt.
You would endure death but not endure a delight of wine in their cups and vessels.

١٠. وَإِنَّ حِجازَيّ النِمارِ وَلُبسَها
لِأَشرَفُ مِن ديباجِهِم وَالنَمارِقِ

11. You left the light of the sun guiding you with its illumination and followed a flash in the darkness.

١١. أَرى مُهرِقَ الدَمَعاتِ يوجِبُ سَفحَهُ
جِناياتُ خَطبٍ أُثبِتَت في المَهارِقِ

١٢. وَما عاقَ لِبَّ الفيلِ عَن ذِكرِ اهلِه
وَمَغناهُ إِلّا ضَربُهُ بِالمَطارِقِ

١٣. عُدِدتَ زَماناً في السُيوفِ أَو القَنا
فَأَصبَحتَ نِكساً في السِهامِ المَوارِقِ

١٤. وَحَسبُكَ مِن عارٍ يُشِبُّ وَقودَهُ
سُجودُكَ لِلصِلبانِ في كُلِّ شارِقِ

١٥. رَأَيتَ وُجوهاً كَالدَنانيرِ أَحكَمَت
زَنانيرَ فَاِنظُر ما حَديثُ المَعارِقِ

١٦. فَدونَكَ خِنزيراً تَعَرَّقُ عَظمَهُ
لِتوجَدَ كَالطائيِّ تُدعى بِعارِقِ

١٧. وَما حَزَنَ الإِسلامَ مَغداكَ زارِياً
عَليهِ وَلَكِن رُحتَ رَوحَةَ فارِقِ

١٨. وَآثَرتَ حَرَّ النارِ تُسعَرُ دائِماً
عَلى الفَقرِ أَو غُصنٍ لَهُ غَيرِ وارِقِ

١٩. وَأَحلِفُ ما ضَرَّ الكَريمَ ظُهورَهُ
مَعَ الرَهطِ يَمشي في القَميصِ الشَبارِقِ

٢٠. تَجَرُّعُ مَوتٍ لا تَجَرُّعُ لِذَّةٍ
مِنَ الخَمرِ في كاساتِهِم وَالأَبارِقِ

٢١. تَرَكتَ ضِياءَ الشَمسِ يَهديكَ نورُها
وَتَبَّعتَ في الظَلماءِ لَمحَةَ بارِقِ