
The truth is I am leaving

أما الحقيقة فهي أني ذاهب

1. The truth is I am leaving
And God knows what I have faced

١. أَمّا الحَقيقَةُ فَهِيَ أَنّي ذاهِبٌ
وَاللَهُ يَعلَمُ بِالَّذي أَنا لاقِ

2. I think after this I will not recall
What was of ease and what was of trial

٢. وَأَظُنُّني مِن بَعدُ لَستُ بِذاكِرٍ
ما كانَ مِن يُسرٍ وَمِن اِملاقِ

3. I did not grow accustomed like others
My sorrow is the blackness I have adorned with separation

٣. لَم أُلفَ كَالثَقَفيِّ بَل عِرسي هِيَ السَ
وداءُ ما جَهَّزتُها بِطَلاقِ

4. Wondrous is her veiled neck at dawn
And her shawl of glittering stars

٤. عَجَباً لِبُردَيها الدُجُنَّةِ وَالضُحى
وَوِشاحِها مِن نَجمِها المِقلاقِ

5. How many virtuous ones has time ruined
While they were safe from morals being broken

٥. كَم أَخلَقَ العَصرانِ مُهجَةَ مُعصِرٍ
وَهُما عَلى أَمنٍ مِنَ الإِخلاقِ

6. Your world is fickle, and if it allures a man
With morals, it is wretched in its ethics

٦. دُنياكَ غادِرَةٌ وَإِن صادَت فَتىً
بِالخَلقِ فَهِيَ ذَميمَةُ الأَخلاقِ

7. It rains pleasures from its clouds
A lightning that dazzles with flickering light

٧. يَستَمطِرُ الأَغمارَ مِن لَذّاتِها
سُحُباً تُليحُ بِمومِضٍ أَلّاقِ

8. It did not meet its rain, but its barrenness
Was armies adorned with high rank

٨. لَم تُلقِ وابِلَها وَلَكِن خِلتُها
خَيلاً مُسَوَّمَةً مَعَ العُلّاقِ

9. And if hopes opened a life of comfort
It shut it off with powerful closure

٩. وَإِذا المُنى فَتَحَت رِتاجَ مَعيشَةٍ
بَكَرَت عَلَيهِ بِمُحكَمِ الإِغلاقِ

10. And if you accepted a companion from its people
You were afflicted with a lying deceiver

١٠. وَمَتّى رَضيتَ بِصاحِبٍ مِن أَهلِها
فَلَقَد مُنيتَ بِكاذِبٍ مَلّاقِ

11. Stars fate moves along under which
A creation you witness without creation

١١. شُهُبٌ يُسَيِّرُها القَضاءُ وَتَحتَها
خِلَقٌ تُشاهِدُها بِغَيرِ خَلاقِ

12. What is mine and the company I knew
With wine of joy and intimate talk?

١٢. مالي وَلِلنَفرِ الَّذينَ عَهِدتُهُم
بِالكَرخِ مِن شاشٍ وَمِن إيلاقِ

13. A gathering arguing is like the drinking of sweet wine
They drank with disdain in a cup of pure wine

١٣. حَلَقٌ مُجادَلَةٌ كَشُربِ مُهَلهِلٍ
شَرِبوا عَلى رُغمٍ بِكَأسِ حَلاقِ

14. The soul is a caged bird
Until it is graced with release

١٤. وَالروحُ طائِرٌ مَحبَسٍ في سِجنِهِ
حَتّى يَمُنَّ رَداهُ بِالإِطلاقِ

15. Mahmoud will die and his lineage will perish
But the face of the One Creator will last

١٥. سَيَموتُ مَحمودٌ وَيَهلِكُ آلِكٌ
وَيَدومُ وَجهُ الواحِدِ الخَلّاقِ

16. O welcome death for one who awaits
If after there is acquaintance and reunion

١٦. يا مَرحَباً بِالمَوتِ مِن مُتَنَظِّرٍ
إِن كانَ ثُمَّ تَعارُفٌ وَتَلاقِ

17. Our hours underneath the souls are veiled
And they have distanced with the unattainable

١٧. ساعاتُنا تَحتَ النُفوسِ نَجائِبٌ
وَخَدَت بِهِنَّ بَعيدَةَ الإِطلاقِ

18. Cast off life stripped to death
Life is laden with burdens

١٨. أَلقِ الحَياةَ إِلى المَماتِ مُجَرَّداً
إِنَّ الحَياةَ كَثيرَةُ الأَعلاقِ

19. You continued to wear the garb of one who left
Until you were cast with divorce papers

١٩. ما زِلتِ تَجتابينَ حُّلَّةَ فارِكٍ
حَتّى رُميتِ بِمُصلِفٍ مِطلاقِ