
O friend, if you converse with another anxious

يا صاح إن حاورت آخر مشفق

1. O friend, if you converse with another anxious
To guide you, striving for you both to be silent,

١. يا صاحِ إِن حاوَرتَ آخَرَ مُشفِقٌ
يَبغي رَشادَكَ جاهِداً أَن تَسكُتا

2. How often has death made the greedy one weep for what
Comes, so his eyelids relaxed and they both wept,

٢. كَم بَكَّتَ المَوتُ الحَريصَ عَلى الَّذي
يَأتي فَسَحَّت مُقلَتاهُ وَبَكَّتا

3. The two feet were purified not in guidance,
And his hands from what they seized were not purified,

٣. قَد زَكَّتِ القَدَمانِ في غَيرِ الهُدى
وَيَداهُ عَمّا حازَهُ ما زَكَّتا

4. And the soul doubted the certainty of the matter, and the
Two palms, when they attempted a garment, doubted,

٤. وَالنَفسُ شَكَّت في يَقينِ الأَمرِ وَال
كَفّانِ أَن رَمتا قَنيصاً شَكَّتا

5. They were not separated from their children except the cause of death
Clung to them until they were detached,

٥. ما اِنفَكَّتا وَلَدَيهِما سَبَبُ المُنى
تَتَمَسَّكانِ بِهِ إِلا أَن فُكَّتا

6. My burdened two lips did not heal, and yet I have
Two lips - the afflictions of livelihood have burdened them.

٦. لَم تَشفِ ذَنبي المَكَّتانِ وَإِنَّ لي
شَفَتَينِ أَخلافَ المَعيشَةِ مَكَّتا