1. O friend, none have become accustomed to praise
Except for leaders of the people, who are amazing
١. يا صاحِ ما أَلِفَ الإِعجابَ مِن نَفَرٍ
إِلّا وَهُم لِرُؤوسِ القَومِ أَعجابُ
2. Why do I see the beloved king prevented
From doing good by one who refuses and hides away
٢. ما لي أَرى المَلِكَ المَحبوبَ يَمنَعُهُ
أَن يَفعَلَ الخَيرَ مُنّاعٌ وَحُجّابُ
3. A young son may excel while his father
Fails and the fathers were once excellent sons
٣. قَد يَنجُبُ الوَلَدُ النامي وَوالِدُهُ
فَسلٌ وَيَفسِلُ وَالآباءُ أَنجابُ
4. So abstain from God’s prohibitions, even slightly
For how many yellow moons and white moons have passed you by
٤. فَرَجِّبِ اللَهَ صِفراً مِن مَحارِمِهِ
فَكَم مَضَت بِكَ أَصفارٌ وَأَرجابُ
5. The soul is seized by denial and recognition
And every meaning has its negation and affirmation
٥. وَيَعتَري النَفسُ إِنكارٌ وَمَعرِفَةٌ
وَكُلُّ مَعنىً لَهُ نَفيٌ وَإيجابُ
6. Death is a long sleep that has no limit
And sleep is a short death, so it brings relief
٦. وَالمَوتُ نَومٌ طَويلٌ مالَهُ أَمَدٌ
وَالنَومُ مَوتٌ قَصيرٌ فَهو مُنجابُ