
The heart is a house when the secret departs from it

الصدر بيت إذا ما السر زايله

1. The heart is a house when the secret departs from it
Then it will never be a house after that, ever.

١. الصَدرُ بَيتٌ إِذا ما السِرُّ زايَلَهُ
فما يَكُنُّ بِبَيتٍ بَعدَهُ أَبَدا

2. So guard your conscience from the flaws that befriend it
For how hidden is the sly mouth yet it appears.

٢. فَاِحفَظ ضَميرَكَ عَن خِلٍّ تُجانِسُهُ
فَكَم خَفِيٍّ شَفاهُ ماكِرٌ فَبَدا

3. And grudges have signs that show clearly
As you saw in the cheek of the furious, foam.

٣. وَلِلحَقودِ عَلاماتٌ يَبِنُّ بِها
كَما رَأَيتَ بِشَدقِ الهادِرِ الزَبَدا

4. One admires their world though it makes them abased
And the eye admires fine clothes and worn ones.

٤. يَستَحسِنُ المَرءُ دُنياهُ فَتُقلَتُه
وَالعَينُ تَستَحسِنُ الهِندِيَّ وَالرُبَدا

5. So restrain your desires and beware obeying it
For it is delusional, long has it been worshipped.

٥. فَاِزجُر هَواكَ وَحاذِر أَن تُطاوِعَهُ
فَإِنَّهُ لَغَويٌّ طالَما عُبِدا