
Does the bright star of Tariq know of a secret

أيعلم نجم طارق برزية

1. Does the bright star of Tariq know of a secret
From fate, or does Tariq not care for mankind?

١. أَيَعلَمُ نَجمُ طارِقٍ بِرَزِيَّةٍ
مِنَ الدَهرِ أَم لا هَمَّ لِلإِنسِ طارِقُه

2. Does the green one slumber in the air certain
That soon his brother will bid him farewell?

٢. وَهَل فَرقَدُ الخَضراءِ في الجَوِّ موقِنٌ
بِأَنَّ أَخاهُ بَعدَ حينٍ مُفارِقُه

3. Events did not trouble him, though we all
Stay awake when misfortune keeps us from sleep.

٣. وَما أَرَّقَتهُ الحادِثاتُ وَكُلُّنا
إِذا نابَ خَطبٌ ساهِرُ اللَيلِ آرِقُه

4. Many guards passed, each after another,
Their spears did not glimmer as dawn was breaking.

٤. لَقَد مَرَّ حَرَسٌ بَعدَ حَرَسٍ جَميعُهُ
حَنادِسُ لَم يَذرُر مَعَ الصُبحِ شارِقُه

5. Things have changed, but the kingdom remains,
Its settings abundant, its risings the same.

٥. تَغَيَّرَت الأَشياءُ وَالمُلكُ ثابِتٌ
مَغارِبُهُ مَوفورَةٌ وَمَشارِقُه

6. Intended, his pens flowed and hastened
To a deed - when dried by destiny's decree.

٦. مُرادٌ جَرَت أَقلامُهُ فَتَبادَرَت
بِأَمرٍ وَجَفَّت بِالقَضاءِ مَهارِقُه

7. Did the days escape Chosroes and his guards
Or Caesar and his legions withstand them?

٧. وَهَل أَفلَتَ الأَيّامَ كِسرى وَحَولَهُ
مَرازِبُهُ أَو قَيصَرٌ وَبَطارِقُه

8. The flashes of this death glorified his Lord -
Yes, though blind, his sight gave praise.

٨. أَبارِقُ هَذا المَوتِ سَبَّحَ رَبَّهُ
نَعَم وَأَعانَت أَكُمُهُ وَأَبارِقُه

9. Your world is not meant for joy,
So he who tastes of it is but a thief.

٩. وَدُنياكَ لَيسَت لِلسُرورِ مُعَدَّةً
فَمَن نالَهُ مِن أَهلِها فَهُوَ سارِقُه

10. I have lived until, were you to see life,
It would seem to you like spider webs floating.

١٠. وَقَد عِشتُ حَتّى لَو تَرى العَيشَ لاحَ لي
هَباءً كَنَسجِ العَنكَبوتِ شَبارِقُه

11. Fear the prayer of the wronged, his prayer
Pierces the veil with penetrating light.

١١. فَخَف دَعوَةَ المَظلومِ إِنَّ دَعاءَهُ
مُلِمٌّ بِنورَيّ الحِجابِ وَخارِقُه

12. The king of the earth is deceived until
When death comes, his fleeing will not avail.

١٢. يُخادِعُ مَلِكُ الأَرضِ حَتّى إِذا أَتَت
مَنيَّتُهُ لَم تُغنِ عَنهُ مَخارِقُه