
Strangers excel in their homelands,

ألو الفضل في أوطانهم غرباء

1. Strangers excel in their homelands,
While kin shun and keep away from them.

١. أُلو الفَضلِ في أَوطانِهِم غُرَباءُ
تَشِذُّ وَتَنأى عَنهُمُ القُرَباءُ

2. They never savored rest in the wine-skin's curve,
Nor did they own gowns threadbare from constant wear.

٢. فَما سَبَأوا الراحَ الكُمَيتَ لِلَذَّةٍ
وَلا كانَ مِنهُم لِلخِرادِ سِباءُ

3. The ignominy of living for a man
Is that he lives off the barest means while still craving more.

٣. وَحَسبُ الفَتى مِن ذِلَّةِ العَيشِ
أَنَّهُ يَروحُ بِأَدنى القَوتِ وَهوَ حِباءُ

4. When the fires of my youth begin to wane, it saddens me,
Even were a refuge built for me amongst the stars.

٤. إِذا ما خَبَت نارُ الشَبيبَةِ ساءَني
وَلَو نُصَّ لي بَينَ النُجومِ خِباءُ

5. O she-camel of the valley, whom you granted me,
Though I call out to you, any echo I hear is faint.

٥. أُرابيكَ في الوِدِّ الَّذي قَد بَذَلتَهُ
فَأُضعِفُ إِن أَجدى إِلَيكَ رِباءُ

6. What's after fifteen or forty springs of youth?
You're not pleased with a cloak for clothes,

٦. وَما بَعدَ مَرَ الخَمسَ عَشرَةَ مِن صِباً
وَلا بَعدَ مَرِّ الأَربَعينَ صَباءُ

7. Though if what's underneath was seen, they'd call it a cloak.
In this stagnant land are blooms

٧. أَجِدَّكَ لاتَرضى العَباءَةَ مَلبَساً
وَلَو بانَ ما تُسديهِ قيلَ عَباءُ

8. Among which some shine while others are insipid.
The line of progeny extends from Adam

٨. وَفي هَذِهِ الأَرضِ الرَكودِ مَنابِتٌ
فَمِنها عَلَندى ساطِعٌ وَكِباءُ

9. to me, though it never connected with "Ba" of my name.
Whenever Amr yawns, Khalid yawns contagiously,

٩. تَواصَلَ حَبلُ النَسلِ ما بَينَ آدَمٍ
وَبَيني وَلَم يوصِلَ بِلامِيَ باءُ

10. but it doesn't infect me with drowsiness.
My knowledge of people disheartened me about people,

١٠. تَثاءَبَ عَمروٌ إِذ تَثاءَبَ خالِدٌ
بِعَدوى فَما أَعَدَتنِيَ الثُؤباءُ

11. Since I know that both worlds are vain.
How does one recover what is lost after

١١. وَزَهَّدَني في الخَلقِ مَعرِفَتي بِهِم
وَعِلمي بِأَنَّ العالَمينَ هَباءُ

12. the raging fires have consumed the fathers?
When fate descends, cats cannot pounce

١٢. وَكَيفَ تَلافِيَّ الَّذي فاتَ بَعدَما
تَلَفَّعَ نيرانَ الحَريقِ أَباءُ

13. Nor sedatives arouse.
Spearheads lunged into the army, but Raddwa was not pierced,

١٣. إِذا نَزَلَ المِقدارُ لَم يَكُ لِلقَطا
نُهوضٌ وَلا لِلمُخَدِراتِ إِباءُ

14. And standards of the Khamis regiment stood tall.
A father reaps even if his sons

١٤. وَقَد نُطِحَت بِالجَيشِ رَضوى فَلَم تُبَل
وَلُزَّ بِراياتِ الخَميسِ قُباءُ

15. are governors over the lands and fine orators.
Your distance from your sons increases,

١٥. عَلى الوُلدِ يَجني والِدٌ وَلَو أَنَّهُم
وُلاةٌ عَلى أَمصارِهِم خُطَباءُ

16. as does their resentment since they're highborn.
They see a father who left them in a shrine

١٦. وَزادَكَ بُعداً مِن بَنيكَ وَزادَهُم
عَلَيكَ حُقوداً أَنَّهُم نُجَباءُ

17. when its prayer beads scattered all over.
Only the cultured disciplined each people in every land

١٧. يَرَونَ أَباً أَلقاهُمُ في مُؤَرَّبٍ
مِنَ العَقدِ ضَلَّت حَلَّهُ الأُرَباءُ

18. and guided them away from villainy.
In every mound and burrow we're pursued

١٨. وَما أَدَبَ الأَقوامِ في كُلِّ بَلدَةٍ
إِلى المَينِ إِلّا مَعشَرٌ أُدَباءُ

19. by death and its executors of matching kind.
When lionesses fear rabbits,

١٩. تَتَبُّعُنا في كُلِّ نَقبٍ وَمَخرَمٍ
مَنايا لَها مِن جِنسِها نُقَباءُ

20. how can their cubs rule over gazelles?

٢٠. إِذا خافَت الأُسدُ الخِماصُ مِنَ الظُبى
فَكَيفَ تَعَدّى حوكمَهُنَّ ظِباءُ