
God has a subtle kindness in His creation

لله لطف خفي في بريته

1. God has a subtle kindness in His creation
that remedies all afflictions however intense.

١. لِلَّهِ لِطفٌ خَفيٌّ في بَريَّتِهِ
أَعيا دَواءٌ المَنايا كُلَّ نِطَّيسِ

2. Why were the ghosts of a people placed in the ground -
leaving only tales written on scrolls?

٢. ما بالُ أَشباحِ قومٍ في الثَرى جُعِلَت
لَم تُبقِ إِلّا حَديثاً في القَراطيسِ