
The sword does not hasten death at all,

أما الحسام فما أدناك من أجل

1. The sword does not hasten death at all,
Nor does the coat of mail or shield ward off the dove.

١. أَمّا الحُسامُ فَما أَدناكَ مِن أَجَلٍ
وَلا يَرُدُّ الحِمامَ الدِرعُ وَالتُرُسُ

2. People are all from the work of the Creator,
Like lines that are read for a time, then fade away.

٢. وَالناسُ مِن صُنعَةِ الخَلّاقِ كُلُّهُمُ
كَالخَطِّ يُقرَأُ حيناً ثُمَّ يَندَرِسُ

3. Some people claim asceticism, in their imagining,
How can an agitator be an ascetic, his spear and horse ready?

٣. قَد اِدَّعى النُسكُ أَقوامٌ بِزَعمِهُمُ
وَكَيفَ نُسكُ غَّويٍّ رُمحُهُ وَرِسُ

4. He has accumulated sins, clouding his companions,
The arrows, sword, calligraphy and horse.

٤. وَقَد جَنى الإِثمَ تَغشاهُ صَحابَتُهُ
وَالنَبلُ وَالسَيفُ وَالخَطّيُّ وَالفَرَسُ

5. O gazelle, what are you, that the wolves befriend you?
Wolves are by nature vicious.

٥. يا ظَبيُّ ما أَنتَ وَالضُرغامُ تُؤَنِّسُهُ
إِنَّ الضَراغِمَ مِن أَخلاقِها الشَرَسُ

6. Does the lion know, when he goes out hunting,
That soon he will become the hunted?

٦. أَيَعلَمُ اللَيثُ لَمّا راحَ مُفتَرِساً
بِأَنَّهُ عَن قَريبٍ سَوفَ يُفتَرَسُ

7. Whom do you blame for past wrongs
When nothing moved until the bell was rung?

٧. لِمَن تُواخِذُ بِالجَرّى الَّتي سَلَفَت
وَما تَحَرَّكَ حَتّى حُرِّكَ الجَرَسُ

8. People admire words, when tested,
Yet better than them are the mute and deaf.

٨. يَستَحسِنُ القَومُ أَلفاظاً إِذا اِمتُحِنَت
يَوماً فَأَحسَنُ مِنها العِيُّ وَالخَرَسُ

9. The Israelites went to their schools
Reciting, though all they studied was useless.

٩. وَآلُ إِسرالَ غادَوا في مَدارِسِهِم
تِلاوَةً وَمُحالٌ كُلُّ ما دَرَسوا

10. You sent your servants seeking water persistently,
Yet when the rope failed you, no blame lies with the west.

١٠. أَرسَلتَ غَربَكَ تَبغي الماءَ مُجتَهِداً
وَما عَلى الغَربِ لَمّا خانَكَ المَرَسُ

11. Evil is what the passionate hopes to reap,
If the planter says: “Evil is what they have sown.”

١١. وَبِئسَ ما يَأمَلُ الجانونَ مِن ثَمَرٍ
إِن قالَ عارِفُ غَرسٍ بِئسَ ما غَرَسوا

12. The eagle lived as long as the king protected it,
Its dwelling had no lock or guard.

١٢. قَد عُمِّرَ النِسرُ ما حَمَّ المَليكُ لَهُ
وَما لِمَنزِلِهِ قُفلٌ وَلا حَرَسُ

13. Seeing the joy of the people in the house, its enemy
Imagined it was a wedding.

١٣. رَأى مَناحَةَ أَهلِ الدارِ شامِتُهُم
فَما تَخَيَّلَ إِلّا أَنَّها عُرُسُ