
Do not give gifts to judges, that they may wrong the adversary

لا تهاد القضاة كي تظلم الخ

1. Do not give gifts to judges, that they may wrong the adversary
Nor mention the presents you give;

١. لا تُهادِ القُضاةُ كَي تَظلِمَ الخَ
صمَ وَلا تَذكُرَنَّ ماتُهديهِ

2. It is most disgraceful and shameful
That a man be reminded of the favours he does.

٢. إِنَّ مِن أَقبَحِ المَعايِبِ عاراً
أَن يَمُنَّ الفَتى بِما يُسديهِ