
A fool took on the title of conqueror in ignorance

تلقب ملك قاهرا من سفاهة

1. A fool took on the title of conqueror in ignorance
Yet to God belong all kingdoms and conquest

١. تَلَقَّبَ مَلِكٌ قاهِراً مِن سَفاهَةٍ
وَلِلَّهِ مَولاهُ المَمالِكُ وَالقَهرُ

2. Do you get angry when called vile and loathsome?
It is shame enough that your father is Time

٢. أَتَغضَبُ أَن تُدعى لَئيماً مُذَمَّماً
وَحَسبُكَ لُؤماً أَنَّ والِدَكَ الدَهرُ

3. The ignorant married the world in his foolishness
Yet she rebelled after the dowry was paid

٣. تَزَوَّجَ دُنياهُ الغَبِيُّ بِجَهلِهِ
فَقَد نَشَزَت مِن بَعدِ ما قُبِضَ المَهرُ

4. Purify yourself by keeping your distance from her deceit
For that is an invalid divorce that cannot make her pure

٤. تَطَهَّر بِبُعدٍ مِن أَذاها وَكَيدِها
فَتِلكَ بَغيٌّ لا يَصِحُّ لَها طُهرُ

5. I spent my life breath by breath
Marking days that follow into months

٥. وَأَنفَقتُ بِالأَنفاسِ عُمري مُجَزِّئاً
بِها اليَومَ ثُمَّ الشَهرَ يَتبَعُهُ الشَهرُ

6. Slowly, slowly like Time has marched against mankind
With eons hidden in its essence

٦. يَسيراً يَسيراً مِثلَ ما أَخَذَ المَدى
عَلى الناسِ ماشٍ في جَوانِحِهِ بُهرُ

7. Like grains of sand on a dune that kept walking
Until what was behind became the horizon

٧. كَذَرٍّ عَلى ظَهرِ الكَثيبِ فَلَم يَزَل
بِهِ السَيرُ حَتّى صارَ مِن خَلفِهِ الظَهرُ