
This world of yours is an abode of evil, no joy in it

دنياك دارشرور لا سرور بها

1. This world of yours is an abode of evil, no joy in it
And its fellow knows not how he may protect himself

١. دُنياكَ دارُشُرورٍ لا سُرورَ بِها
وَلَيسَ يَدري أَخوها كَيفَ يَحتَرِسُ

2. While a man guards against the wolf for his flock
A lion comes upon him in the highlands lying in wait

٢. بَينا اِمرُؤٌ يَتَوَقّى الذِئبَ عَن عُرُضٍ
أَتاهُ لَيثٌ عَلى العِلّاتِ يَفتَرِسُ

3. See you not the pyramids of Egypt, and though lofty
Both shall surely crumble into ruin

٣. أَلا تَرى هَرَمَي مِصرٍ وَإِن شَمَخا
كِلاهُما بِيَقينٍ سَوفَ يَندَرِسُ

4. Had its ruler but obeyed the counsels of reason
It were better than for the mute to speak

٤. وَلَو أَطاعَ أَميرَ العَقلِ صاحِبُهُ
لَكانَ آثَرَ مِن أَن يَنطِقَ الخَرَسُ

5. Among the people are fabricated tales
Planted in men that they may remain and take root

٥. مَعَ الأَنامِ أَحاديثٌ مُوَلَّدَةٌ
لِلإِنسِ تُزرَعُ كَي تَبقى وَتُغتَرَسُ

6. Horses were not created from plank and nail
Except to race in fulfilling their master's needs

٦. لَم تُخلَقِ الخَيلُ مِن عُرٍّ وَمَصمَتَةٍ
إِلّا لِيُركَضَ في حاجاتِهِ الفَرَسُ

7. The time of coolness ends, followed by a stretch
Of time, then heat, followed by winter

٧. أَوانُ قُرٍّ يُوافي بَعدَهُ وَمَدٌ
مِنَ الزَمانِ وَحَرٌّ بَعدَهُ قَرَسُ

8. Take, O brother of war, repose, and make for a nation a cradle
For neither coat of mail nor shield shall protect you

٨. خُذ يا أَخا الحَربِ رَو ضَع لِأَمَةً وُضِنَت
فَما يُوَقّيكَ لا دِرعٌ وَلا تُرُسُ

9. Nor has the Lord ever favoured a ladle that turns it
Nor treaty of a spear its point and butt

٩. وَلَم يُبَل رَبُّ مِسحاةٍ يُقَلِّبُها
وَلا حَليفُ قَناةٍ رُمحُهُ وَرِسُ

10. Death may miss one thrown in his death throes
And a man perish in a palace that guards him

١٠. قَد يُخطِئُ المَوتُ مُلقىً في تَنوفَتِهِ
وَيَهلِكُ المَرءُ في قَصرٍ لَهُ حَرَسُ

11. Nor did the zeal of his pride guard him against the slashing of swords
If he spent the night clashing his bells

١١. وَما حَمى عَن صَليلِ السَيفِ هامَتَهُ
إِن باتَ يَصدَحُ في أَيديهِم الجَرَسُ

12. The day has cast the ropes of the sun to set
So that the youth's life may be cut short

١٢. مَدَّ النَهارُ حِبالَ الشَمسِ كافِلَةً
بِأَن سَيُقضَبُ مِن عَيشِ الفَتى مَرَسُ

13. Creation deemed life a bride, beautiful its making
But rather it is a ghoul, evil its temper

١٣. ظَنَّ الحَياةَ عَروساً خَلقُها حَسَنُ
وَإِنَّما هِيَ غولٌ خُلقُها شَرِسُ

14. While we are nothing and destruction has taken
The course of loss and the likeness of mourning the wedding

١٤. وَنَحنُ في غَيرِ شَيءٍ وَالبَقاءُ جَرى
مَجرى الرَدى وَنَظيرُ المَأتَمِ العُرُسُ