1. If what Rustam said were true, that the dead would not be resurrected
And what my doctrine is, that they will be raised in scattered groups
١. لَو صَحَّ ماقالَ رَسطاليسُ مِن قِدَمٍ
وَهَبَّ مَن ماتَ لَم يَجمَعُهُمُ الفَلَكُ
2. Like snow and hail, some being transformed and some dissolved
Ham did not turn black because of a sin he had committed
٢. وَمَذهَبي في البَرايا كَونَهُم شِيَعاً
كَالثَلجِ وَالقارِ مِنهُ الجَونُ وَالحَلَك
3. But rather the complexion of a color that the King had decreed
If there were no human beings above us in the sky
٣. ما اِسوَدَّ حامٌ لِذَنبٍ كانَ أَحدَثَهُ
لَكِن غَريزَةُ لَونٍ خَطَّها المَلِكُ
4. Then there would be no angels on earth or beneath it
How many nations have settled where the living dwelt
٤. إِن لَم يَكُن في سَماءٍ فَوقَنا بَشَرٌ
فَلَيسَ في الأَرضِ أَو ماتَحتَها مَلَكُ
5. Then perished, all having trodden a single path
If you ask reason for news about the ancients
٥. كَم حَلَّ حَيثُ تَبَنّى الحَيُّ مِن أُمَمٍ
ثُمَّ اِنقَضوا وَسَبيلاً واحِداً سَلَكوا
6. It will tell you nothing except that they perished
٦. إِن تَسأَلِ العَقلَ لا يوجِدكَ مِن خَبَرٍ
عَنِ الأَوائِلِ إِلّا أَنَّهُم هَلَكوا