
Patience is found when the baa is voweled

الصبر يوجد إن باء له كسرت

1. Patience is found when the baa is voweled
But with a sukoon on the baa, it is lost

١. الصَبرُ يوجَدُ إِن باءَ لَهُ كُسِرَت
لَكِنَّهُ بِسُكونِ الباءِ مَفقودُ

2. And the patient fulfiller is praised for his goal
Not helpless, bound in the ropes of shortcoming

٢. وَيُحمَدُ الصابِرُ الموفي عَلى غَرَضٍ
لا عاجِزٌ بِعُرى التَقصيرِ مَعقودُ

3. And an oversight has spared you her slyness
In her nobility, as if the star were knotted

٣. وَقَد نَفَت عَنكَ إِغماضاً مُلاحِيَةٌ
في كَرَمِها وَكَأَنَّ النَجمَ عُنقودُ

4. And the bride price, an unfair female gives it
God's liberty, and the wife is the fuel

٤. وَالمَهرُ يَعطيهِ أُنثى غَيرَ مُنصِفَةٍ
سَيبٌ مِنَ اللَهِ وَالمَهرِيَّةُ القودُ

5. And minted coin is gifted to the dinar in honor
If only it, after good minting, were knotted

٥. وَالنَقدُ يُهدى إِلى الدينارِ مَكرُمَةً
فَلَيتَهُ بَعدَ حُسنِ الضَربِ مَنقودُ

6. The night bears not the worries of those awake in it
Nor sorrow, while it remains well-knotted

٦. لا يَحمِلُ اللَيلُ هَمَّ الساهِرينَ بِهِ
وَلا يُجانِبُ حُزناً وَهُوَ مَرقودُ