
The Arabs conjured up words and eloquence burst forth

إستنبط العرب لفظا وانبرى نبط

1. The Arabs conjured up words and eloquence burst forth
They address you in the mouths of nomads

١. إِستَنبَطَ العُربُ لَفظاً وَاِنبَرى نَبَطٌ
يُخاطِبونَكَ مِن أَفواهِ أَعرابِ

2. I conversed in accent with the people of accent themselves
For my fault to the people is my accent

٢. كَلَّمتُ بِاللَحنِ أَهلَ اللَحنِ أَنفُسَهُم
لِأَنَّ عَيبِيَ عِندَ القَومِ إِعرابي

3. O world, you were not from a deceitful mother
How many beauty marks do you have on my face and relatives

٣. دُنيايَ لا كُنتِ مِن أُمٍّ مُخادِعَةٍ
كَم ميسَمٍ لَكَ في وَجهي وَأَقرابي

4. I was made to drink your love that nothing can deny from my body
Except dust for the blood of humans, a drinker

٤. أُشرِبتُ حُبَّكِ لا يَنفيهِ عَن جَسَدي
سِوى ثَرىً لِدِماءِ الإِنسِ شَرّابِ

5. With the dead are my secrets hidden
For I am not pleased with my opinions through my opinions

٥. عِندَ الفَراقِدِ أَسراري مُخَبَّأَةٌ
إِذ لَستَُ أَرضى لِآرابي بِآرابي

6. My puzzles which are the melody of the secret did not know
What I have with me, so did my puzzles attain it?

٦. تَرائِبي وَهيَ مَغنى السِرِّ ما عَلِمَت
بِهِ لَدَيَّ فَهَل نالَتهُ أَترابي

7. You struck me with a sword or a cleaver
Of logic, yet I turned away from the two wounds

٧. ضَرَبتَني بِحُسامٍ أَو بِقاطِعَةٍ
مِن مَنطِقٍ وَعَنِ الجُرحَينِ إِضرابي

8. Your Lord did not tighten a knot around me to lessen me
Of a rank I have, from those who censured me with speech

٨. ما شَدَّ رَبُّكَ أَزراً بي فَيَنقُصني
مِن رُتبَةٍ لِيَ مَن بِالقَولِ أَزرابي

9. I lost what I used to spend my time with
Rather, it drew what my enemies and foes used to pull

٩. أَضَعتُ ما كُنتُ أَفنَيتُ الزَمانِ بِهِ
بَل جَرَّ ما كانَ أَعدائي وَحُرّابي

10. Like a goblet when it spent the night intoxicated
Between drinking and without perturbation

١٠. كَقينَةِ الكَأسِ إِذ باتَت مُطَرِّبَةً
بَينَ الشُروبِ وَلَيسَت ذاتَ إِطرابِ

11. Evil is a flood, and whoever surrenders to it has camels
Safe from the raid of the army which it leaves for the destroyer

١١. وَالشَرُّ جُمٌّ وَمَن تَسلَم لَهُ إِبِلٌ
مِن غارَةِ الجَيشِ يَترُكها لِخُرّابِ

12. Hope, the reveler, took me prisoner with its companion
Until I mounted steeds between encampments

١٢. أَسرى بِيَ الأَمَلُ اللاهي بِصاحِبِهِ
حَتّى رَكِبتُ سَرايا بَينَ أَسرابِ

13. I escaped from my brothers thinking me
Among a group in garb of the perfidious, destroyers

١٣. هَرَبتُ مِن بَينِ إِخواني لِتَحسِبَني
في مَعشَرٍ مِن لِباسِ الذامِ هُرّابِ

14. It is as if I produce something new every year
Those who turned away from Egypt see eccentricity in me

١٤. كَأَنَّني كُلَّ حَولٍ مُحدِثٌ حَدَثاً
يَرى بِهِ مَن تَوَلّى المِصرَ إِغرابي

15. The sword and spear, their time has passed
Does your palm have any might in a rod and blade?

١٥. السَيفُ وَالرُمحُ قَد أَودى زَمانُهُما
فَهَل لِكَفِّكَ في عودٍ وَمِضرابِ