
What we wished did not happen

نحن شئنا فلم يكن ما أردنا

1. What we wished did not happen
And God's will was done in us

١. نَحنُ شِئنا فَلَم يَكُن ما أَرَدنا
وَتَمَّت لِلَّهِ فينا المَشيَّه

2. And a flock of doves meets Pleiades
Like the Pleiades among the stars

٢. وَثُرَيّا النُجومِ تَلقى حِماماً
كَالثُرَيّا في رَهطِها القِرشِيَه

3. We were eager to go to Mahari
With friends morning and evening

٣. قَد طَرِبنا إِلى المَهاري تَبارى
بِالأَصاحيبِ غَدوَةً وَعَشِيَّه

4. It filled it with darkness from fires
And Abyssinian gloominess

٤. مَلَأَتها البَياضَ سُحمٌ مِنَ الدُجنِ
وَبُهمى غَضيضَةٌ حَبَشِيَّه